Active Member
Disire=desire ?
oops, LoL. i'll have it back up again.
Its alright man,
everyones ganna read it and be like.. wait what?
{i thought you where talking about the weeds pic lol, i understand now}
haha i was on earlyer and saw it :] i as well love that show, i was watching it the other day and shane was getting beat up for arguing religion and a pretty girl walked up and was like " we can study the bible together ? if you would like ?" and he's like " yeah that would great" and i started laughing so hard .... i then thought " i wander how many guys/girls go to church or become religious for that same reson"
well, i had to work with the dogs tonight, so i put a greyhound pic up, weeds will be back soon, LoL. that yellowing might be over nuting it, just flush with some plain water again. have you ever checked your waters ph? you can get some bulbs and a cheap fixture and some Y adapters for about $20, it will really make a difference. hell yeah bro, its a great name!!