One single wilted dying branch on a healthy looking plant

If it stays to just that one section you should be okay after removing it but again Ive never seen a healthy looking plant just wilt on one branch with no tear on that stem..

Ive never dealt with root rot so I couldn't give you personal experience from that but from what I gather you could try enzymes.. Like a Botanicare Hydroguard.. or something like that.. Again I am no expert on root rot, this is just from little research on it.
At the moment I'm really hoping it's the plant deciding to discard this useless branch (I was supposed to chop it off a few weeks ago but forgot) instead of rot. But if not, maybe somebody who knows how to deal with it could enlightened me as I have no experience dealing with it either and most info I find about it involves extracting and "pruning" the roots, which I can't do
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Yeah for sure, take it one step at a time, you do not want to do too much at one time and make things worst.. No one yet really has a solid answer, it's all guessing at this stage.. But start by removing that stem.. look it over after you remove it and then watch the plant going forward..
That happens sometimes on my outdoor. I dont know why. I just amputate it so the plant can focus its energy on the healthy growth. Unhealthy leaves and dying plant material can attract more pests. I had it happen to several branches in my garden this year.
This is why you post in the plant problem section.. if the person or us had all the facts they would be here in the first place..
Sometime mutipul suggestions or guesses can help solve the issue if the person has already though of what the possibles are.. thats were fresh prospectives are good.. theres no intent to confuse anyone..
Whatever it is I'd just cut it off and monitor the plant. Root rot doesn't affect 1 branch like that it would affect the entire plant.
Hi again, I'm following up on this thread.
As suggested I cut the branch off and the plant seems to be doing fine since, but I recently noticed some leaves looking like this:
I'm thinking it's a nutrient defficiency, anyone has an idea on what it could be?