One splotchy leaf on each autoflower

Out of 7 autos, 5 each have one single leaf that looks like this. Could it be nute toxicity? top dressed w Dr Earth Flower Girl about 2 wks ago at the start of flower, then this week gave them each a small handful of Dr Earth 2-2-2 just to give them a little boost. The leaves are dark green and do feel kinda smooth or waxy, then each plant has a lower leaf that look like these:


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what type of water are you using? what are you growing in? how often are you watering? what lights are you using? how long into veg are you? and can you upload a pic of the whole plant? and possibly the whole plant with the light set up as well? without knowing any info looks like a cal mag possinbly. but need more info
Here's some pics of the whole plants. Please excuse my shotty LST, they got brittle REAL quick and I was unable to adjust them without breaking stems. Growing outdoors, FFOF in 5 gal fabric pots, ph sits right at 6.7 - 7.


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ph doesn't even matter when you are killing them with overwatering and too much light....anything u think is locking out due to ph is locking out due to the roots being drowned and dying....
they're definitely not over watered. they're in fabric pots on a roof top in full sun, definitely don't gave soggy roots. I also use a moisture meter to make sure I'm not over watering them.
they are about 2 weeks into flower
how often are you watering? where did you start them...and in what? how are you flowering for 2weeks in full sun on a roof top in June? meaning light dep or moving them in?
Forget it …. looks like early leaf set. If gets necrotic pull it off.

huh? please explain when the next leaf shows this exact same sign, because you did nothing to asses or fix the probem, your going to just keep pulling valuable fan leaves? until what? u get smart enough to asses and fix instead of picking and ignoring? or until the plant runs out of leaves??

....and just so you know bleaching of leaves can only be caused by 1 of 2 things, problems associated from overwatering.....or directly from too much bringing them outside without hardening them off.
how often are you watering? where did you start them...and in what? how are you flowering for 2weeks in full sun on a roof top in June? meaning light dep or moving them in?
I water every 2 days or so unless there's been significant rain. I go by how dry the soil is though, not a set schedule. started germed seeds in rapid rooters, in FFHF on top and FFOF on the bottom. I'm flowering on a rooftop in full sun in June because they're autos. they don't need light dep or to be brought inside etc to start flower.
also, you claim leaf "bleaching" can only be caused by over watering or not hardening them off... I'm gonna say that's b.s. because there's other issues that can cause leaf discoloration. they're not over watered. they've been in full sun over a month now, pretty safe to say they be been hardened off. stop replying to shit you obviously know nothing about.
all the plants seem happy and healthy, the affected leaves are the lowest ones on each plant, I've come to the conclusion that they are discolored from coming in contact with the soil and/or nutrients when I top dressed. thanks for the help.
all the plants seem happy and healthy, the affected leaves are the lowest ones on each plant, I've come to the conclusion that they are discolored from coming in contact with the soil and/or nutrients when I top dressed. thanks for the help.

your watering every two days by finger testing in a 5gallon pot...but the only thing you can come up with is that they touched soil? you are going to to discredit my knowledge with a wild stab in the dark excuse of a diagnosis of it touched soil...

so now I want you to ask yourself....and be honest with yourself, look at your really think that's from soil contact? have u seen what happens to a leaf that spends its time in soggy nutrient rich water?

also, without much looking over,

this picture clearlyy shows you have an issue, you have bleaching on a number of leaves here and none of them are anywhere near your medium. in fact they are more than half way up your entire tree....infact there's signs of blotch spots on fan leaves not even 3 nodes down.

now I may be wrong, that's okay, but im not sitting here lying to myself about bleach marks only being on the very bottom (soil level) of the healthy tree...and necrotic and bleached because of soil with nutes.
also I want to point out every two days and rain. and I want to ask you what else possibly can cause bleach marks? I literally gave you the answer, its from problems associated with one of 2 things overwatering or too much light/heat but that comes with other indicators also, so we know it isn't too much light, so why can't you do the deduction here? I mean you say I know nothing and shouldn't speak on shit I don't know anything about, so again I ask you, with the research you have done....what causes bleached spots and necrotic bleached leaves? humour me..
also I want to point out every two days and rain. and I want to ask you what else possibly can cause bleach marks? I literally gave you the answer, its from problems associated with one of 2 things overwatering or too much light/heat but that comes with other indicators also, so we know it isn't too much light, so why can't you do the deduction here? I mean you say I know nothing and shouldn't speak on shit I don't know anything about, so again I ask you, with the research you have done....what causes bleached spots and necrotic bleached leaves? humour me..
bro they are on a roof top and get full sun for nearly 15 hrs a day. they're so dry (and growing FAST) that I've had to start watering once a day. again, these are in fabric pots w extra perlite in full sun on a hot ass roof top, it's literally all I can do to keep my entire garden from drying out, not just the weed but everything, around 2pm it's so hot half my garden is wilting and droopy. i don't mean to discredit your knowledge but you are acting like you're familiar with my situation and you're not. they ain't over watered in the slightest. I've been through watering issues in the past w my photoperiod plants, you might even have decades more experience than me, idk, but there is just no way they are over watered.
bro they are on a roof top and get full sun for nearly 15 hrs a day. they're so dry (and growing FAST) that I've had to start watering once a day. again, these are in fabric pots w extra perlite in full sun on a hot ass roof top, it's literally all I can do to keep my entire garden from drying out, not just the weed but everything, around 2pm it's so hot half my garden is wilting and droopy. i don't mean to discredit your knowledge but you are acting like you're familiar with my situation and you're not. they ain't over watered in the slightest. I've been through watering issues in the past w my photoperiod plants, you might even have decades more experience than me, idk, but there is just no way they are over watered.

Then the only other two factors that it can be is too much heat and light mixed with lack of oxygen to roots, or possibly foliar feeding/ water magnifying burns.

I am also in 5gallon grow pots in a greenhouse that I can't regulate temps in....they get 120f sometimes, and as low as 56f..... and even in my 1gallon pots im only just about watering them every 3 days, strains, gardens plant size etc.. are different I know this, but if you by any chance are feeding onto a pot that only the top inches of soil are dry but the bottom, but not understanding its still wet and holding water u may run into that problem. To be fair I don't see signs of heavy leaf pillowing or any slow/weird growth...

By any chance are you or have you foliar fed? at this point only other thing I can think about is possibly water or foliar feed sat on the leaves and caused problems from magnifying light... as I do see some watering sitting on leaves around those that are effected.