One week White Widow seedlings turning yellow - help :(


I am sure you all have seen this post 100 times about yellowing seedlings and I do appologize, but dad is worried about his little girls!! I have been doing some research on forums, but just a little stumped on a couple things that could be causing this problem.

First off I live in Arizona with very low humidity, today its at 20% and its been fluxuating down to 12% the last few days. Local hydro store said the plants would not be affected with lower humidity - but from what I read they need higher humidity?!

I have five WW seedlings from Ministry of Cannabis and they sprounted one week ago (5 fem seeds and all germinated). They are in Foxfarm Seed Starter, Jiffy Pots, no nutes, PH 6.8, watered only once two days ago. I am running two 28w (2900 LM) 4' t5's - 6" from seedlings. The hydro store seemed to think this was fine to start with, but with the reading I have done on forums it seems these bulbs might be a little weak two grow with??? Also, I know I should have started with seedling cubes and not Jiffy Pots - will correst that on next seed grow.

From what I read, its looks like the soil may be to wet? But I honestly have not watered them much. Or could it be the lighting I am using? Thanks for any suggestions!!



Active Member
idk dude everything seems fine...they prob grow outta it in a few days. u def didnt over water if its been 2 days. anddd no nutes. got me man hope she looks up soon bro!


Thanks Dutch, I just need to chill a little and not get to worried I guess....

BTW - saw your grow and very nice!! Keep it up bro!!

bob stine

best way for me to do seedlings and they grow fast is to use compost tea and rapid rooters with zho.......however if you wanna go easy use aquashield its not hot at all these days i use either in my cloner also and i can keep them in the cloner forever no gel no cloning solution etc....


Active Member
Thanks Dutch, I just need to chill a little and not get to worried I guess....

BTW - saw your grow and very nice!! Keep it up bro!!
patience is key bro. but thanks i tried to do the best with the money i had a little ghetto buy those bitches are growing :hump:


Active Member
hey AZbud!!! I too am on my first grow! I also used Ministry of Cannabis 5 White Widow Feminized seeds!!! I used a humidity dome to start my seedlings but once they got to how yours looks now I took them out. I also remember a little bit of yellowing on the tips of new leaves coming out but after a day or two it usually corrected itself. All 5 of mine will be exactly one month old on 4/26/2012. Out of the 4 WW's, 1 I think has bad genetics, it is just not growing at the rate of the rest of them are. I'm thinking of killing it soon and putting all my focus on the stronger 4. But If you want to raise the humidity a little which the seedling might like just mist them a LITTLE bit with a spray bottle, my seedlings seemed to love it. I also use Fox Farm but I have used Ocean Forest from the get go. I'm subbed to this so keep us posted!! Try not to worry too much, I know when you see something wrong with your babies you just want to fix it right away trust me lol!! But like others have said these plants are very resilient and want to grow!! As long as you have the right environment it should happen just takes patience!!!


best way for me to do seedlings and they grow fast is to use compost tea and rapid rooters with zho.......however if you wanna go easy use aquashield its not hot at all these days i use either in my cloner also and i can keep them in the cloner forever no gel no cloning solution etc....
Thanks bob, will keep these in mind! I was just reading about aquashield and it looks like something I should pick up for my future clones for sure!!!!


hey AZbud!!! I too am on my first grow! I also used Ministry of Cannabis 5 White Widow Feminized seeds!!! I used a humidity dome to start my seedlings but once they got to how yours looks now I took them out. I also remember a little bit of yellowing on the tips of new leaves coming out but after a day or two it usually corrected itself. All 5 of mine will be exactly one month old on 4/26/2012. Out of the 4 WW's, 1 I think has bad genetics, it is just not growing at the rate of the rest of them are. I'm thinking of killing it soon and putting all my focus on the stronger 4. But If you want to raise the humidity a little which the seedling might like just mist them a LITTLE bit with a spray bottle, my seedlings seemed to love it. I also use Fox Farm but I have used Ocean Forest from the get go. I'm subbed to this so keep us posted!! Try not to worry too much, I know when you see something wrong with your babies you just want to fix it right away trust me lol!! But like others have said these plants are very resilient and want to grow!! As long as you have the right environment it should happen just takes patience!!!

Hi Sterdaddy, thanks for reply and info!! I was a little worried about Ministry of Cannabis after ordering (not to much info on them), but so far I am pleased and might use them again. Its to bad they don't give free samples, but they do seem reliable....
Anyway a couple things, I reviewed your link and it looks like you are doing great with your WW's! How close are you keeping the T5 bulb from the tops of your plants? I read most people say 2", but that seems so close and I am scared to burn them. Also you mention misting them with spray bottle, I have read that that is not good and can burn the leaves - but it seems very logical for seedlings!
Its cool that you are a few weeks ahead, I look forward to see your updates!!


Active Member
For the first 8 days for my seedlings I used 1 T5 bulb and I would put it as close as I could when I was using it. About 1-2 inches away. After about 10 days of using the T5 I was able to purchase a 400W H.I.D. system. And as far as misting goes I only did it to my seedlings and would try and "shake" the tender little leaves just a little to get all the water collecting on top of the leaves. As far as a T5 goes I wouldn't worry about burning your leaves with that, a H.I.D. system is another story =). I too was a little worried about MoC seeds after I ordered them but I received them very quickly and discreet so far I have nothing bad to say about them. I'll be putting up some pictures of my progress probably later tonight so feel free to subscribe to my thread! Hopefully you can learn from my mistakes haha!


I am also looking into a 400W H.I.D. system, did you get it online or locally? The prices are marked way up at my local shops, so would like to find a good online source!!