Well-Known Member
3 years growing experience, had success in first year, now in a 2 year rut.
I had another post for my previous 2 attempts in March here...
Figured I would make an official thread, seeing as it will take many attempts.
I have Turboklone24 that I just got, but low and behold first 2 runs with no sucess, I will also be doing 2 trays of rockwool side by side continuously.
The purpose of this thread, is to get advice, then follow advice, then fail, then show you the results of your advice and ask why?
Every attempt I will switch up 1-2 things in the environment until success is achieved.
I will start a new turboklone run in 1 week and will post it here. Did 2 trays of rockwool cubes yesterday, here they are on D1.
heat mat set 78F, the heating range is 76-80. Probe is inserted in a cube inside the dome
both vents are completely open. I am seeing 80-90RH.
soaked over night in 5.7PH Tap water. Put in salad spinner to reduce water content to 50% of water capacity. I used a scale to weigh it dry, then completely soaked and weighed it, then subtracted to figure out what was 50%. I also am experimenting with different grodans, I have 3 variations, the 1.5", the 1", and a 1" split in half.
10 different strains being cloned, 2-4 cuttings each. So its not a matter of oh this genetics takes maybe longer or is harder etc.
17W 4FT LED TUBE, 4K, @ 18/6, 12" DISTANCE = 5K LUMENS

I had another post for my previous 2 attempts in March here...
Yesterday was Day 14, I saw 2 cuts had roots and they were very small single thin strand and not that healthy-looking - and a day later one actually fell off so Im down to 1. All of the cuttings aren't slimy or rotten, just no roots, and wilting now with the dome removed for 24 Hours after D14...
Figured I would make an official thread, seeing as it will take many attempts.
I have Turboklone24 that I just got, but low and behold first 2 runs with no sucess, I will also be doing 2 trays of rockwool side by side continuously.
The purpose of this thread, is to get advice, then follow advice, then fail, then show you the results of your advice and ask why?
Every attempt I will switch up 1-2 things in the environment until success is achieved.
I will start a new turboklone run in 1 week and will post it here. Did 2 trays of rockwool cubes yesterday, here they are on D1.
heat mat set 78F, the heating range is 76-80. Probe is inserted in a cube inside the dome
both vents are completely open. I am seeing 80-90RH.
soaked over night in 5.7PH Tap water. Put in salad spinner to reduce water content to 50% of water capacity. I used a scale to weigh it dry, then completely soaked and weighed it, then subtracted to figure out what was 50%. I also am experimenting with different grodans, I have 3 variations, the 1.5", the 1", and a 1" split in half.
10 different strains being cloned, 2-4 cuttings each. So its not a matter of oh this genetics takes maybe longer or is harder etc.
17W 4FT LED TUBE, 4K, @ 18/6, 12" DISTANCE = 5K LUMENS