Only 1 plant drooping leaves and pale green.... Help Please

I have 12 plants outdoor in 65 gallon smart pots and up until last week they all looked perfect. Now one is showing drooping leaves and is turning a pale green while all the others are as dark green as can be. I have been using the same watering schedule on all of them 3 gallons per every other day. I am not sure what can be going on but they have grown from 12" teens to 5' tall and 4' wide in 7 weeks. Any help is greatly appreciated

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
Can you post pics? I have one doing the same thing. I think mine is due to one hole having poor drainage than the others, causing me to overwater her. I have been letting her dry up a little and she seems to be doing better.


Well-Known Member
Can you post pics? I have one doing the same thing. I think mine is due to one hole having poor drainage than the others, causing me to overwater her. I have been letting her dry up a little and she seems to be doing better.
Hey Garden Boss are you growing in raised beds? I had one year the same problem had about 10 girls in the ground and my blue cheese 4ft all of the sudden one day just dropped and died...looked like it wasn't getting water to the stem...a day later I found small mice making holes near the stock and they were slowly eating the roots :finger:...

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
Hey Garden Boss are you growing in raised beds? I had one year the same problem had about 10 girls in the ground and my blue cheese 4ft all of the sudden one day just dropped and died...looked like it wasn't getting water to the stem...a day later I found small mice making holes near the stock and they were slowly eating the roots :finger:...
Damn it, I have had a gopher fuck a big girl up before but this time there is no surface evidence of gophers anywhere. I am hoping this is an overwater issue. I am going to check on the garden soon.