Only 79 more days left on parole & barely hanging on!


I went to prison for getting popped with prescription pills last year. Did a total of 8 mos, and then was let off with 1 year parole. My parole will be done in 79 days. But I cant handle not smoking any longer and need my medicine. After being on different types of pharms for anxiety and pain etc. for many years, I've been totally free from all pills since i got out of prison. I took them in there because it was just too stressful. I got out and smoked weed a few times and the one urine test my parole officer gave me in the beginning I was dirty with weed like I had told him i would be when he asked. He noticed the urine test had weed in it and told me i would have to knock that shit off. He hasnt gave me a test since but has asked if i have been clean. I told him the truth which is that i had smoked a few hitters prior to jan. 2 and that was the last time. after telling him i had smoked again (prior to jan.2) he said "you dont want to have to spend the rest of parole on electronic monitoring" but didnt pursue it at that time. I dont want to set up drs. appointment for pharm. meds, i just want my medical mj back and need it now. Think I should smoke?? I know it sounds like a dumb question but i'm having a very hard time without my meds. Worst case scenario with breaking parole is u go back and finish out half of ur parole time in jail or prison which in my case would be a little over 30 days. just curious if anybody has any ideas or knowledge with parole in this situation?


Well-Known Member
well its really hard to get away from drug re sure about parole ? its more probation because parole agents are very unforgiven if they find trace of cannabis in your test, boom you re back in jail no question.

I ve been spent in prison for decade, and on high risk parole, im straight on the line till i completed my parole~3 years. Now im free man.

I would give you good advice, just be patient and stay strong , take medicine pills for temp for two months when you re finishing with that parole, you re free to do whatever you like to.

remember to stay sober, for short time :D


Well-Known Member
I used to go in to see my p.o. in a suit, dressed very nicely, clean shaven, hair cut, etc. I was working at the time but over-dressed when I sent in. Except for the mandatory drug evaluation class I attended, I was never tested. Be polite and respectful, no matter how much it hurts. Be pleasant and friendly. Most people come in with attitudes, make sure u don't.


congrats on being free again izok! that a great accomplishment indeed! thanks guys i appreciate the advice. yea here where i am it seems the parole agents can be more relaxed about weed only sometimes. i hear alot of stories from parolees saying their agents dont sweat weed. but its a huge gamble for me of course. and then probation is like zero tolerance no mess ups. kinda like the parole agents want to try to help keep u from going back, but the probation officers want to lock u up to get that x on ur back or record. but yea good idea with the dressing up and never lie to them be upfront unless they r trying to get u to snitch on someone which ive never heard of them trying to do. and for sure good idea izok666 maybe i should get on an antidepressant or something to knock the edge of at least until i can toke again. i just have a bad addictive personality with pills and dont want to get hooked again. and its nice being off those chemicals. but im pretty much freaking out and feel like i need something and i know weed is what helps me.


Well-Known Member
Like everyone else stated it's a bad idea. I mean hey they can pop you at any point in time you know. Too much of a risk and too little of a reward. IMO freedom triumphs over getting high. Personally I've never been on parole or tossed in prison. A good 90% of the family in my dads generation have done hard time and parole though. It was pretty much table talk growing up when I was a kid. I've been on various levels of probation off and on in my time. One thing that ALWAYS happened was the piss test right at the end. Well you're free to go.....almost. I'll sign this after we take your last urine test. Lets head to the bathrooms Mr.Grinder.
Last time around I was all business with it. Came in to my first meeting and paid off my fines and everything in one shot. Which shocked the PO. He was dumbfounded. He had to fill out all his paperwork with getting me started AND taking me out of the system in one go. You could tell it just wasn't a routine process you know? They're used to collecting that $60 a month supervision fee for a year strait on top of the BS fines that most people finance like a car or something. Not to mention the $45 payment for the drug testing kit if and when they decide to pop you. Sure enough he was like okay and last thing we need to do is do a urine screening. Do you have a money order for $45 dollars? Which I did. He even made it a point to stand there and directly sausage gaze on me lol. Grasping onto straws trying to find SOMETHING to keep me tied up into the system. I had stopped by Taco Bell on the way there and drank a large Baha Blast Mt.Dew so I was was pinching it back anyways in there lol.
He was even surprised that I tested clean. Not to mention he was frustrated. He had no poker face whatsoever. It was all bad attitude from him and his 2 secretaries from there on out. They WANTED me in there pouring money into the system. It's the same thing with your PO bro.
Also had a best friend who was on parole years ago. His PO was a grade A cunt. You could tell she saw it as her duty to absolutely try her damn best at throwing every single one of her cases back in the pokey. The woman made house calls almost daily to check and see if he was there after his curfew. Not to mention would show up about twice a month at 2 or 3am. Lay on the horn in the driveway and he would have to come outside just so she would know he didn't slip his ankle bracelet off and was out doing whatever. She did this to EVERY single one of her people. She ended up having to resign from her job and he was issued a new PO. I was his ride there 9 out of 10 times so I was usually around when he talked to em. Evidently she got hurt or something and no one would give a further explanation than that. His new guy was the same age and extremely laid back. He looked at my friends case as a chance for him to better himself. Did one home visit and the funny thing is me and my friend were drinking and watching UFC (drinking was a violation) I rarely seen my buddy shaken. That was one of the few times. He said you know you're not supposed to be drinking........So are you gonna get me a beer or what? I shit you not lol. He hung around for about 30 minutes. Had normal conversation and watched UFC.
Still hit him with tests and stuff though during office visits and always and did it because he had to. The last visit consisted of nothing but his drug test and signing some papers. Out of all the people I know who have been on parole they always tested right there at the end. So just keep clean until you're done and over with the whole thing. Then celebrate the day after you're out of the system. Get laid, get high as balls. Call the pizza man. Then get laid again lol


Well-Known Member
my PO used to pull up in the driveway and honk the horn. Id come out and she would ask how I was. I always felt weird and expected her to bust up in my house. She said nah, you have a ajob and seem fine. keep your shit together and we are fine. Its like she didnt want to know if I was smoking or anything else. never tested me for anything. I was on proby for bank robbery.

my buddy got popped with 10 pounds. Got probation. Part of the sentence was you cant drink or smoke weed. His lawyer said he has a medical card and the judge said oh then you just cant drink or do illegal drugs. His PO never fucked with him either.

moral of the story. if you are white and not a total shitbag POs have better things to do.

none of this is relevant to the OP but hey im bored.


Well-Known Member
I went to prison for getting popped with prescription pills last year. Did a total of 8 mos, and then was let off with 1 year parole. My parole will be done in 79 days. But I cant handle not smoking any longer and need my medicine. After being on different types of pharms for anxiety and pain etc. for many years, I've been totally free from all pills since i got out of prison. I took them in there because it was just too stressful. I got out and smoked weed a few times and the one urine test my parole officer gave me in the beginning I was dirty with weed like I had told him i would be when he asked. He noticed the urine test had weed in it and told me i would have to knock that shit off. He hasnt gave me a test since but has asked if i have been clean. I told him the truth which is that i had smoked a few hitters prior to jan. 2 and that was the last time. after telling him i had smoked again (prior to jan.2) he said "you dont want to have to spend the rest of parole on electronic monitoring" but didnt pursue it at that time. I dont want to set up drs. appointment for pharm. meds, i just want my medical mj back and need it now. Think I should smoke?? I know it sounds like a dumb question but i'm having a very hard time without my meds. Worst case scenario with breaking parole is u go back and finish out half of ur parole time in jail or prison which in my case would be a little over 30 days. just curious if anybody has any ideas or knowledge with parole in this situation?
...Take what Minnasota Fats said to Fast Eddy,"When it's late and Ur tired, to be the champ U have to pull tight and drive hard".70 days of being clean is doable,Man up...and drive hard.


Well-Known Member
I forgot to mention.......EXERCISE!!!!! It's an important part to make you feel better when drugs aren't an option.


Hey guys, I'm doing ok now that i jumped right in and indulged in a nice sack of mothernatures finest. smh.. I wanted to take the advice, everyone was very helpful with opinions and experiences. And i appreciate it very dearly I really do. I thought about the things said on here, but it was inevitable this time. Crossing my fingers. But this to me is part of the fight is how im looking at it i guess for one thing. I don't mind standing up for what i believe. Free The Weed!! Oh and might have to free yummy too. I got 2 months left and at least for now, I'm gonna burn one down . I needed my medicine and have been with no medication or the wrong medication for way too long.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
.......snip..... I got 2 months left and at least for now, I'm gonna burn one down .....snip......
Just to be clear I think our prison based economy is wrong and prohibition is a failure.

Still I'm curious, how does your violating parole help the cannabis legalization movement? You know your parole agent will argue that it's that ole impulse control and narcissistic tendencies rearing their heads from those 'addicted to cannabis' (yeah a lot of them believe that when they see people with only a couple months left do these things reinforces their belief). Also it's pretty common to hit these type of issues just prior to graduation from anything. It's like a karmic test to see if you can stay the course.

Anyway please don't take this as an insult. I know it can sound like one but I don't mean it that way at all. Further I hope you don't get caught for imbibing.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I'm doing ok now that i jumped right in and indulged in a nice sack of mothernatures finest. smh.. I wanted to take the advice, everyone was very helpful with opinions and experiences. And i appreciate it very dearly I really do. I thought about the things said on here, but it was inevitable this time. Crossing my fingers. But this to me is part of the fight is how im looking at it i guess for one thing. I don't mind standing up for what i believe. Free The Weed!! Oh and might have to free yummy too. I got 2 months left and at least for now, I'm gonna burn one down . I needed my medicine and have been with no medication or the wrong medication for way too long.
you don't 'need' marijuana...what you 'need' to do is get your life together, and at this point in time weed isn't going to help you..rather it will hurt you as you very well know. i know i'm too late but i wish you would have stuck it out and hope for you to stick it out next time if ever necessary.

it's a lot harder to get away from this fucked up system than it is to hold off on toking for a bit. you gotta do whats best for you man i hate to see people fail when they're so damn close!! c'mon man you did 8 you know you got it in you to stay off bud for as long as it takes to get yourself outta trouble..