Ontario Just Tabled a Weed Law That Makes It Almost Impossible to Blaze Anywhere

It's been that way here for years. Smoking a joint on the beach is as normal as chewing gum. As long as you keep your distance from the families with little kids, nobody looks at you sideways.
have been out in BC several times, much cooler attitude than some places like Toronto. But same idea, once things get normalized general attitudes change and unless you're in someone's face (or around kids like you mentioned), nobody cares. You're more likely to get hassled for smoking a cigarette in public these days.
Ontario is so fucked. They just want to criminalize everything you do. "Distracted driving"...it's not "driving using an electronic device" it's "distracted driving" on purpose, so that when they FEEL like criminalizing driving with your morning coffee in your hand, they WILL. Same shit here. We need to march on these fuckers with pitchforks.
In my utopian state Canadians have rights and I would welcome the assholes knocking down my door to challenge the nazi-style laws being proposed around the use of a harmless plant.

Besides that, do you think the outcome of smoking a joint in a public would result in the cops having the right to knock your door down? Perhaps a small fine, initially, eventually the exceptions become the norm and nobody gives a shit.

I justify fearing the cops trashing my grow but don't lose sleep over it. Almost 16 years of growing here and 2 years in the previous house has me more relaxed tho there is always that underlying hum of "Watch the fuck out!". I'm sure it feeds my general feeling of paranoia that keeps my stress levels a little higher and I try to reduce stress as much as possible to maintain my often loose grip on sanity. St. John's Wort helps but it's not a cure for chronic depression any more than pot is tho pot is a much better maintenance medicine than any pharma drug I've used in the last 40 years of this condition. There really is no "cure".

To your second point, getting nailed smoking a j in public has long been ruled as not enough to get a search warrant to search your home. Under Canadian law a man's home is his castle and judges are very careful not to issue warrants based on scurrilous information. Unlike in the US where an anonymous phone call can get a warrant.

Still, it is a very traumatic experience for anyone to get busted even on the street for a joint. When your home is invaded by police is something I would rather avoid tho I am very comfortable with dealing with police or other authorities in my car or their offices if I end up there.

If you have the resources to to deal with a home raid then you're a 1%er while I'm on the 99% side of that equation. I'm not a cash-cropper and when I do manage to sell off a bit of excess it goes for $5/g Canadian. For those that prefer edibles I make it into cocobudder no extra charge. Just enough to keep the lights on. :)

I just feel that you and others here perpetuate a state of lawlessness when the laws still have very sharp claws that can rip a person's life apart. I think someone in authority calls that mis-information and in this case they are right.

What you don't know can hurt you real bad. circle.gif
I justify fearing the cops trashing my grow but don't lose sleep over it. Almost 16 years of growing here and 2 years in the previous house has me more relaxed tho there is always that underlying hum of "Watch the fuck out!". I'm sure it feeds my general feeling of paranoia that keeps my stress levels a little higher and I try to reduce stress as much as possible to maintain my often loose grip on sanity. St. John's Wort helps but it's not a cure for chronic depression any more than pot is tho pot is a much better maintenance medicine than any pharma drug I've used in the last 40 years of this condition. There really is no "cure".

To your second point, getting nailed smoking a j in public has long been ruled as not enough to get a search warrant to search your home. Under Canadian law a man's home is his castle and judges are very careful not to issue warrants based on scurrilous information. Unlike in the US where an anonymous phone call can get a warrant.

Still, it is a very traumatic experience for anyone to get busted even on the street for a joint. When your home is invaded by police is something I would rather avoid tho I am very comfortable with dealing with police or other authorities in my car or their offices if I end up there.

If you have the resources to to deal with a home raid then you're a 1%er while I'm on the 99% side of that equation. I'm not a cash-cropper and when I do manage to sell off a bit of excess it goes for $5/g Canadian. For those that prefer edibles I make it into cocobudder no extra charge. Just enough to keep the lights on. :)

I just feel that you and others here perpetuate a state of lawlessness when the laws still have very sharp claws that can rip a person's life apart. I think someone in authority calls that mis-information and in this case they are right.

What you don't know can hurt you real bad. View attachment 4037611

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me...

We need to speak out...the fight continues just under a new rubric of lawfulness. The time to fight this new regime is now. Not later when it is entrenched...
have been out in BC several times, much cooler attitude than some places like Toronto. But same idea, once things get normalized general attitudes change and unless you're in someone's face (or around kids like you mentioned), nobody cares. You're more likely to get hassled for smoking a cigarette in public these days.

I'm from BC originally just next door to Vansterdam in Richmond and I'd be a lot more comfortable growing there but I live in Bumf**k, Alberta now and a two plant grow makes front page in the local rag so you can't equate large cities with the rest of Canada that lives in much more repressive areas. It's the Catholic version of the bible belt here fer cryin' out loud eh.

Just last August in Kelowna I was walking across the parking lot with my 90yo mother to a restaurant having a few quick drags off a cig then flicked the cherry off onto the asphalt lot. A 30 something woman got in my face about starting a forest fire and if it wasn't for my mom being there I would have told her to chase it down before some concrete caught fire. I would have been a lot less polite than that. :)

BC is not he same province I grew up in. Talk about the liberal left. My only reason to move back there would be to be closer to my mom and family. Not for love of the province or it's beauty. The best fishing in the world has a big draw tho. :)
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me...

We need to speak out...the fight continues just under a new rubric of lawfulness. The time to fight this new regime is now. Not later when it is entrenched...

I speak out all the time publicly for other than pot issues. For those I have spent thousands of hours and thousands of posts educating others how to grow pot and deal with the reality of hiding their grows.

This is not the only forum I am active on and not the only name I use to spread the word.

Things like telling people to grow with impunity are wrong as it's still illegal for most without gov't sanction and you can go to jail, lose your job, your house and family over it.

If you are not growing then for sure get out here and scream your name over the internet in support of those that do. When you're hiding Jews in your basement. Keep your yap shut or the Nazis will come for you too. ;)
Those thieves and liars are now our elected officials or their retired mirror images.

Who will hold them to account? Their peers? View attachment 4037707
very good question OMU very good ?
the worst part is a vast majority of them would have had zero problem busting you and I regardless of how big of a hypocrites that they'd make themselves.
for that kinda of attitude they should all burn
This is Ontario, Wynne Ontario, did we expect anything different?

Who gives a rats ass what laws they come out with, none of this is enforceable, puff on brothers and sisters, nothing new here...

>>and you think you will get better service from Ontario Cons they are all bad..with ndp non existant and not progressive anymore anyway..?
Still, it is a very traumatic experience for anyone to get busted even on the street for a joint.
Not here - the RCMP don't care about adults smoking pot, Politicians have a 4 year shelf-life if they piss people off - force them to defend their punitive and archaic restrictions on the freedoms of citizens to justify collecting their inflated paycheque.
>>and you think you will get better service from Ontario Cons they are all bad..with ndp non existant and not progressive anymore anyway..?
Unfortunately the choices aren't there, it's a choice of the best of the worst right now in this province. I just can't stand Wynne;s record or what she stands for (nothing), every time she speaks it makes my hair stand up on end. She pisses me off almost as much as Harper did when he was still in power.
Unfortunately the choices aren't there, it's a choice of the best of the worst right now in this province. I just can't stand Wynne;s record or what she stands for (nothing), every time she speaks it makes my hair stand up on end. She pisses me off almost as much as Harper did when he was still in power.

Unfortunately, Harper's legacy lives on with the LPs that Mr. Mini-me still supports while threatening all of us with draconian retribution should we run afoul of their 18th century laws.

I still may be one of the first to be pilloried @GroErr as I do stick my neck out often in my little corner of Canada. Spun my little car into the rhubarb around 4:20 last night but it wasn't pot that got me there. ;)

Still burping up the crappy Chinese food I ate while waiting for the wife to come rescue me in the old F-150.

If I'd been in a larger town the cops would have been there before I could lock it up and walk away Scott free like I did. We'll go drag it home tomorrow so I can figure out what I need to repair that busted rt. rear wheel. If I'd put the new snowies on the back it wouldn't have happened. Wouldn't have happened if I'd woke the wife up out of her nap and let her drive too so like usual hindsight is 20:20. :)

You'd think at 63 I'd know better but I still have to raise my Freak Flag high once in a while! rotflmao.gif