Ontario unveils pot plan including online ordering, 150 stand-alone stores

Like you guys care but.......

If I understand this correctly .

This is a big F you to the LP's in Ontario too. Ontario gov. Being the only "legal" source, won't allow LP's to directly sell rec to public. Instead the control board will buy at wholesale and mark up the goods. Essentially not allowing LP's to sell retail, reducing their profit in 1/2..

Don't be absurd...this is great new for LP's. They can now jack their wholesale price to whatever they want. It's not like Wynne can pick and choose who ON purchases from...she's fuked herself before it's even started. Craft growers would supply superior product at true wholesale prices, which could then be passed onto the consumer. Let them build as many stores as they like, most will be mothballed within the 1st year due to lack of sales.
Don't be absurd...this is great new for LP's. They can now jack their wholesale price to whatever they want. It's not like Wynne can pick and choose who ON purchases from...she's fuked herself before it's even started. Craft growers would supply superior product at true wholesale prices, which could then be passed onto the consumer. Let them build as many stores as they like, most will be mothballed within the 1st year due to lack of sales.
ssshhhhhhhhhhh..... lol
About the only good thing about Wynne's plan is that it will fail and the BM will flourish. Limiting competition and limiting supply/selection to LP-only MJ will get them sales to those who don't currently have a supply. Everyone else who already has their own supply or hookups won't be buying through the MCBO at inflated prices for low quality schwagg. This second group is the volume market, current medical and recreational users, who either grow their own or have hookups/DG's. That's the part Wynne and LP's don't get, I'm sure there's a market for casual recreational users, it's just nowhere near what it could be or they think it will be if they limit the suppliers/distribution/retail to a government operated model like this. Good luck M'Fkrs.

<$1/gram for this or $8.00/g for shwagg, hmmm, I think I'll stick to my own supply...

they cannot force people to purchase.

WEED FOR THE MOST PART has always been black market. People always go for gusto.. Lets see how people continue with daily life as it already is.
That's what I've tried to say a couple of ways, people who've been in the BM for as long as they've smoked aren't going to go running out and cheering because they can go grab some expensive weed at the MJ-CBO down the road. It's ingrained in the culture, specially outside of major cities, people who live in the country consider it their right to grow a few plants for their stash every year. It's nothing out of the ordinary, outdoor is considered a given if you smoke and live north of TO. I know guys from my guerrilla days where the whole family is in on it, grandma, grandpa, uncles, aunts, harvest time is just a yearly family get-together for them. That's where I've been trying to wrap my head around who their customers will be? Maybe in future generations it'll be different, but not the current generation and culture of smokers.
Just said on my local news that the new stores will be manned by lcbo unionized workers. That's be sure to make the price low huh??? hahahahahahhaahaha
Fuck do we have some dumb fucks running this province.
Then they have ear-marked a quarter of a billion in training money for the cops and border morons.
Imagine that we have that kind of cash to waste on what....training for what. This whole thing is being thought up and run by idiots...complete fools.

A quarter billion.....WTF!!!!! :wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall:o_Oo_Oo_Oo_Oo_Oo_Oo_O
That's what I've tried to say a couple of ways, people who've been in the BM for as long as they've smoked aren't going to go running out and cheering because they can go grab some expensive weed at the MJ-CBO down the road. It's ingrained in the culture, specially outside of major cities, people who live in the country consider it their right to grow a few plants for their stash every year. It's nothing out of the ordinary, outdoor is considered a given if you smoke and live north of TO. I know guys from my guerrilla days where the whole family is in on it, grandma, grandpa, uncles, aunts, harvest time is just a yearly family get-together for them. That's where I've been trying to wrap my head around who their customers will be? Maybe in future generations it'll be different, but not the current generation and culture of smokers.
I mean Ok fine Lets say THERE IS 150 Storefronts.. who cares, its people under 18 that that doctrine would be taught persay.

Plus before the past four years of the dipensary boom, its a culture. People like to see their product.
Oh and the head of the lcbo or union guy said " this time the province got it right " lmao.....we'll see about that huh?
That's where I've been trying to wrap my head around who their customers will be? Maybe in future generations it'll be different, but not the current generation and culture of smokers.

I think their target market is going to be 19-30 years old. People like my daughter for example, a non-smoker, will mostly go for convenience and a misinterpreted feeling of safety. From my observations many of that generation think and see things differently than many of us do. No worry, we will still convert a lot of them to reality and truth. :bigjoint:
I think their target market is going to be 19-30 years old. People like my daughter for example, a non-smoker, will mostly go for convenience and a misinterpreted feeling of safety. From my observations many of that generation think and see things differently than many of us do. No worry, we will still convert a lot of them to reality and truth. :bigjoint:
Lol, yeah I see that too, our generation questioned authority and government policy, to a level of distrust. This one is more passive and go with the flow. There's still time to train them, it's our duty - lol