onyx bloom LED harvest pics


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, thought I'd throw up a pic of the harvest. Just chopped em down today, and have them on the drying rack now.

Pretty happy with the results up till this point. I figure at least a 2 Oz harvest which is ok by me. This grow was a great learning experience for me and already have the new beans going for next round--some hash plant which I plan on doing in Hempy buckets.

One question for you guys. As I was trimming the fan leaves i noticed a few seeds on the lower branch of one plant. Went over all of them again. It was only a few buds that had any seeds, but was wondering what I have to do before I use the cabinet again in terms of cleaning to make sure my next crop doesn't get pollinated. The seeds were immature so I figure it hermed late in flower and I didn't catch it.

Any suggestions would be great. I'll post some close ups and more pic's in a few days before they go into paper bags.20141013_205712.jpg20141013_205747.jpg


Well-Known Member
You will love the Hempy buckets! What size space you working g with? I have my Onyx in a ds60 2x2 and get 1-2 ounces per gallon bucket lol. I am going to move up to 3 gallon and put 4 in my space and attempt to get a half P next round.
Great harvest!bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
You will love the Hempy buckets! What size space you working g with? I have my Onyx in a ds60 2x2 and get 1-2 ounces per gallon bucket lol. I am going to move up to 3 gallon and put 4 in my space and attempt to get a half P next round.
Great harvest!bongsmilie
I have a 34×34 inch cabinet. I was going to use 2.5 gallon buckets for hempy (purlite on the bottom and a coco/purlite mix on the top. Going to do 4 plants total. Might habe to hit you up for some advice when they start growing in the Hempy. This harvest wasnt the greatest, but I just wanted to cross the finish line.

Just by looks it looks like it might be a little more than 2, but I'd rather be surprised when I weigh it than disappointed.

Thanks for all the feedback and help.along the way everyone!


Well-Known Member
Nice, yeah, I would go bigger-3 gallon, or 5 but from what I have seen, no real reason to go over 5 unless you are growing trees! I think a Hempy scrog would be the highest yielding. Scrog with LED-perfect, Hempy-bigger yields, Hempy/Scrog-profit$ lol


Well-Known Member
bleach water, 90% iso, or mix 5% vinegar with 3% hydrogen peroxide
to make your own peroxyacetic acid (PAA). PAA actually does the best
job out of the three for killing the widest range of microorganisms.

the pollen itself will be destroyed by any of the three on the list, it's the
water in the solution that does the pollen in.

you can also use 1g containers if you wanted to do 4 plants in that
size grow space. hempy method can grow some serious beasts per
volume of soil. 2.5 gallons could easily yield 6 oz with proper training.

gk skunky

Well-Known Member
Henry is good. I've done plenty of by Henry buckets. Work good with hydroton in the bottom. Coarse petite is best. Works great with a mix of coarse perlite, vermiculite, and broken down lava rock. Did a dwc hybrid with a larger bottom res with an airstone that thing kicked some ass. Many variations. With coco I'm really digging the fabric grow bags.


Well-Known Member
bleach water, 90% iso, or mix 5% vinegar with 3% hydrogen peroxide
to make your own peroxyacetic acid (PAA). PAA actually does the best
job out of the three for killing the widest range of microorganisms.

the pollen itself will be destroyed by any of the three on the list, it's the
water in the solution that does the pollen in.

you can also use 1g containers if you wanted to do 4 plants in that
size grow space. hempy method can grow some serious beasts per
volume of soil. 2.5 gallons could easily yield 6 oz with proper training.
I like the sounds of that! I can't believe I'm saying this but 6 Oz might almost be too much for me, the wife wife is just starting to come around and was a little freaked when she came home and saw the stove covered two nights ago. I told her it is either growing or I'm going to reno the house again because I can't sit still very well---growing it is.

I have some questions about hempy (I tried to research it so I'm sorry if this is a.stupid question). I already bought the perlite and coco, and the beans are popped in rapid rooter as I type. My questions are as follows:

1) I'm using advanced nutrients "jungle juice" a+b. It gives directions for seedling and veg. If I'm not mistaken I should be using 1/4 strength to start feeding right away? But is that 1/4 of the seedling dose or the veg growth feeding?

2) until the tap root hit the rez I've read I need to water everyday (or every1-2). Do I fill the rez full everytime even when the roots aren't down there yet, or just moisten the medium until I fill the re?

3) lastly, I am going to be adding calmag because I'm growing under LED, what would you guys recommend for starting dose? Or can anyone point me to a.feeding chart for coco that might break it down week by week?

Sorry to ramble, just excited to get going again!

God bless


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't start feeding till the 4th node. I go from rapid rooters 1 -2 weeks-mini Hempy solo cups 1-2 weeks-final flower pot 1 week. I don't feed till in the mini hempys and not much like 200 ppm to start


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't start feeding till the 4th node. I go from rapid rooters 1 -2 weeks-mini Hempy solo cups 1-2 weeks-final flower pot 1 week. I don't feed till in the mini hempys and not much like 200 ppm to start
Perfect. Thank you. I don't have a way to measure my ppm, just have a digital ph tester. Maybe I need to work a little overtime and buy one.


Well-Known Member
You don't REALLY need one for hempy, but its nice to have! Just stick with lower doses.and increase accordingly. Hempy is really easy to flush so if you start getting burn you can adjust on the fly


Well-Known Member
I didn't realize they were so cheap. Just ordered one on amazon.

How much do you typically increase ppm by per week? Sorry for all the questions


Well-Known Member
One of the better answers I have seen, and I attempt to recreate his guide. I use Maxibloom which is one part, I add cal-mag and I am adding KoolBloom this next test grow, just because.
Don't let anyone convince you that not knowing your ppm/ph is healthy. Plants in a hydroponic environment are dependent on a specific pH range. You can't properly grow plants in 9pH water with a 3000ppm. It's important. I have been growing in coco/perlite hempy for several years now with different nutes and can offer some simple information.

I keep my pH in the recommended zone: 5.7-6.2 This range has never failed me. The only def I have ever experienced is calmag and that was from user error. One thing I always support is having more than one option for testing pH. I have my big fancy Hanna meter, but I never rely on the electronic devices and also test with the GH drop test. This has saved my bacon on numerous occasions when my meter was on the skitz.

As for Hempy well it's just another form of simple hydroponics. The same basic rules apply across all forms of hydro growing.

I feed my seedlings plain pH 5.8 water for a few weeks. I can't overstate how important this is. If you feed them too much too early the growth will stunt. Ask me how I know...

When they get hungry I start with 250ppm excluding the 110 ppm of my tap. My end water ppm is usually around 350 ppm. For coco I always add calmag even with coco specific nutes during the early periods. The extra calmag in those nutrients are at the higher doses.

When they hit full veg i'll up the dose to 500ppm and see how they respond. If they don't start burning ill up it another hundred till I top out around 700 total. I have found that 700ppm is about the sweet spot for me personally. Some of the hungry ass strains could easily handle more, but I generally cap it off there. I am super paranoid about overfeeding my plants because I have before with terrible results. I'd rather slightly underfeed any day of the month than over feed.

First week of flower i'll transition them to about 800-900ppm and maybe bust a thousand depending on the strain. I'll keep them there until I chop them down.

I do not flush because after all my research and real world testing I have found it to be pointless. I grow high quality, great tasting cannabis that is properly dried and cured for a minimum of 3 weeks.

Also to answer your question I feed with every watering. I do not agree with those that use plain water between feedings. Coco isn't soil. Coco is a hydroponic medium. When there aren't any nutrients present the plant has nothing to consume but it's self. Normally I will feed my hempys until I get a slight bit of runoff as not to waste nutrients, but once a week I'll give them a nice juicing and try to get a 20-30% runoff to kinda flush the old shit out a bit.

The reason you are overwhelmed is because there is so fucking much information and contradictory opinions out there. Honestly my post may serve to confuse you more, but this is indeed my way of doing things. Feel free to ask questions.


Well-Known Member
i would use straight perlite in the bottom of the bucket,
with the coco/perlite mix on top.

all the quoted advice above is pretty spot on IMO. i was
never much of a seed grower, so i can't answer on what
ppm for seedlings. when i did run seeds, i would use liquid
karma to bring the pH of my tap water down, and it never
burned any seedlings.


Well-Known Member
Hey fellas. I promised to do an update once I had my harvest jarred up. It weighed in at 4.2 oz (but an oz was seeded up a little---that probably added to the weight some). I imagine I'll lose some more as it cures but all and all pretty happy.

I took a few random shots, they are about the size of a Bic lighter to put them in perspective.

Last. I made a batch of thc infused e-juice which is the picture of the stove and some really nice hash with all the stuff with seeds in it. But fuck, it looked so blonde when I was shaking it out but after I pressed it it turned a blondish grey color. Next run I want that pure golden colour
But live and learn


gk skunky

Well-Known Member
Looks nice and frosty to me man. 4.2 is still pretty good. Better than buying it that's for damn sure. And sorry just realized in my post above the phone corrected hempy to Henry. Lmao