Oops, light cycle screwed up, need input!

Dr Greene

Well-Known Member
Okay here it is:

I don't use light timers, I just wake up and turn the lights on at the same time every day.

Last night I accidentally forgot to turn the volume up on my cell phone and didn't hear my alarm go off and my babies got and extra 1hour and 15 minutes of darkness!!!

I have kept them on a 20/4 cycle their whole life and now I think I will just keep on giving them that extra 1 hour and 15 minutes rather than switching back to 20/4 tonight.

Would switching back have any adverse affects on the plants or not? ANY INPUT WHATSOEVER WILL BE APPRECIATED!

Dr Greene

Well-Known Member
It wont bother them. Just put them on 24 hrs and ya wont have to worry about them.

I put my first grow on 24 hour lights and was not impressed with the outcome. I found that those plants had weak stems and took forever to develop preflowers. This is my 3rd attempt and these plants which have been on 20/4 are 10 days old with 3 nodes, strong stems, and rapid folliage growth. Perhaps I will ease the plants down to 18/6 from here until they are ready to flower.

Thanks for the input dude