Quite liberal of you to tolerate dissenting viewpoints...
Just, well, go away...
Great stuff reflecting the courage of your convictions.
Or, maybe not.
i think you are mistaking travisw exercising his free speech with intolerance.
what i saw was travisw being helpful to your confused old bigoted friend, suggesting that maybe a pot forum was not the place for him to be wagging his feeble old finger at people for disobeying the law.
what i never see is you condemning unclebenis for his actual intolerance when he says that the only good muslim is a dead muslim, or calls them "ragheads", or states that killing black people is just "cleaning up the gene pool", or says vile and nasty things about mexicans.
why is it that you see travis' helpful suggestion as intolerance and feel compelled to speak out, but sit mute in silent approval when unclebenis says the most racist and vile things imaginable?
well, i think we already know the answer to that question, shithead.