Open Season on Illegal Immigrants


New Member
Bucky your getting more brain dead buy the minute! However you showed us the corrupt washington post so show it all.

he Washington Post Reveals the Fraud
  • In December 2010, the Washington Post revealed that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) had included more than 19,000 illegal immigrants who had exited the country in the previous fiscal year in its deportation statistics for the current (2010) fiscal year.
    • On February 22, 2010, ICE Detention and Removal Operations issued a memo stating that, despite record deportations of criminals, the overall number of removals was down.
    • According to the memo, while ICE was on pace to achieve “the Agency goal of 150,000 criminal alien removals” for the year ending September 30th, total deportations were set to barely top 310,000, “well under the Agency’s goal of 400,000” and nearly 20 percent below the 2009 total of 387,000.
    • The memo also explained how ICE would inflate the number: increasing detention space to hold more illegal immigrants while they await deportation proceedings; sweeping prisons and jails to find more candidates for deportation and offering early release for those willing to go quickly

Dozens and dozens examples of the lies Bucky I could fill the next 10 pages!


New Member
  • In an October 2011 roundtable with Hispanic reporters, President Obama himself said the deportation numbers were artificially high because they include those caught at the border:
“The statistics are actually a little deceptive because what we’ve been doing is, with the stronger border enforcement, we’ve been apprehending folks at the borders and sending them back. That is counted as a deportation, even though they may have only been held for a day or 48 hours, sent back – that’s counted as a deportation.”



New Member
Whats wrong Buck did you get your head stuck up your ass again?
That's what happens every time you try to think.


Well-Known Member
  • In an October 2011 roundtable with Hispanic reporters, President Obama himself said the deportation numbers were artificially high because they include those caught at the border:
“The statistics are actually a little deceptive because what we’ve been doing is, with the stronger border enforcement, we’ve been apprehending folks at the borders and sending them back. That is counted as a deportation, even though they may have only been held for a day or 48 hours, sent back – that’s counted as a deportation.”

so someone in the united states illegally being deported is not a deportation?

cool story, sistah.


Well-Known Member
Bucky your getting more brain dead buy the minute! However you showed us the corrupt washington post so show it all.

he Washington Post Reveals the Fraud
  • In December 2010, the Washington Post revealed that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) had included more than 19,000 illegal immigrants who had exited the country in the previous fiscal year in its deportation statistics for the current (2010) fiscal year.
    • On February 22, 2010, ICE Detention and Removal Operations issued a memo stating that, despite record deportations of criminals, the overall number of removals was down.
    • According to the memo, while ICE was on pace to achieve “the Agency goal of 150,000 criminal alien removals” for the year ending September 30th, total deportations were set to barely top 310,000, “well under the Agency’s goal of 400,000” and nearly 20 percent below the 2009 total of 387,000.
    • The memo also explained how ICE would inflate the number: increasing detention space to hold more illegal immigrants while they await deportation proceedings; sweeping prisons and jails to find more candidates for deportation and offering early release for those willing to go quickly

Dozens and dozens examples of the lies Bucky I could fill the next 10 pages!
hmmmm, no citation whatsoever.

therefore, it is as worthless as the space you fill in this forum.

try again there, sistah.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
since "you reading compensation" seems to have failed you, let me review for us.

you accuse me in a derogatory fashion of wearing "lib colored glasses". you say that these glasses, which you refer to in a derogatory fashion, are rainbow colored.

get it now? or should i draw you a fucking picture?



Well-Known Member
you know what, good. i have to fight for my food stamps after getting them for two years over some lady at office who hates me. they come here, use the money i get taxed for and get foodstamps and jobs easy peasy. send them back and do it the right way. i met a guy here in town who owns a mexican restuarant who is pissed as fuck he had ot spend 7-8 years to get legal and some boarder hopper comes waltzing up and bam! he's in and has it all handed to him.
If they could immigrate here in less than 18 years the legal way

I am pretty sure they would

How come we dont make europeans wait 18 years for a visa?


Well-Known Member
If they could immigrate here in less than 18 years the legal way

I am pretty sure they would

How come we dont make europeans wait 18 years for a visa?
For the diversity? We need more Europeans to keep the diversity numbers....diverse.

Why do you hate diversity?



Well-Known Member
For the diversity? We need more Europeans to keep the diversity numbers....diverse.

Why do you hate diversity?


Wasnt any question of diversity when my european ancestors came over here a hundred years ago without any need of a immigration system. The only people that were excluded were Asian.

Could it be that the color of ones skin and their country of origin make for the need to have a quota system in place and a 18 year wait for mexicans but a 8 month wait for Europeans?


Well-Known Member
It does not take 18 years.
Guy down the road is Mexican he said it took him 7/8 years.
Big diffirence from 18 don't ya think.
And he is mad as hell that these vermin who sneak in are just going to be able to get a pass for breaking the law.


Well-Known Member
It does not take 18 years.
Guy down the road is Mexican he said it took him 7/8 years.
Big diffirence from 18 don't ya think.
And he is mad as hell that these vermin who sneak in are just going to be able to get a pass for breaking the law.
Here ya go you racist asshole

On the chart below, the listing of a date for any class indicates that the class is oversubscribed (see paragraph 1); "C" means current, i.e., numbers are available for all qualified applicants; and "U" means unavailable, i.e., no numbers are available. (NOTE: Numbers are available only for applicants whose priority date is earlier than the cut-off date listed below.)
All Charge-ability Areas Except Those ListedCHINA- mainland bornINDIAMEXICOPHILIPPINES


Well-Known Member
He's not racist, just really really really stupid. He doesn't know any better and will never realise it.


Well-Known Member
It does not take 18 years.
Guy down the road is Mexican he said it took him 7/8 years.
oh, 7 - 8 years. that's much better for the guy with the starving family and the rancher across the border who needs help picking his lettuce crop.

win win, really.


Well-Known Member
Wasnt any question of diversity when my european ancestors came over here a hundred years ago without any need of a immigration system. The only people that were excluded were Asian.

Could it be that the color of ones skin and their country of origin make for the need to have a quota system in place and a 18 year wait for mexicans but a 8 month wait for Europeans?
How many Mexicans want to move here?

How many Europeans want to move here?

Now compare the two numbers...