yeah, people are just dying to do the jobs that illegals are doing.
just ask the farmers in georgia
why dont you tell us what the farmers in georgia are saying then? from your position in orgeon im sure you have your finger on the pulse of rural southern life.
have you ever worked a harvest on a farm bucky? it's a lot of long hours doing tedious and skilled work to bring in the crops. before the rise of industrialized society that meant itinerant farm workers who traveled from harvest to harvest, but thats impractical for people with homes, families, jobs and responsibilities to pay the visa bill and car insurance every month.
the structure of our society makes getting a harvest in difficult since most high school kids, homeless bums, and inner city dwellers do not live near farms and getting all those buffoons to the feilds, provideing them with food water sanitation and shelter for a week and then sending them back to the slums is a ridiculous idea. most city dwellers would have no fucking interest in heading off to the stick, living in a tent or trailer and working in the sun all day for a week for regular pay, if you tell em they will be paid $.50 a bushel they will first ask "whats a bushel" and when they figure out that they will have to bust their asses to make minimum wage, they will tell you to go fuck yourself. those very few who will take ANY job to get out of the slums will suck at harvesting and will continue to suck unless they get the skills needed to do the job. thats not gonna happen unless they take to the road and travel with the harvests. but the wage for harvesters sucks. it has to unless you city folks want to pay twice the price for bread or lettuce.
itinerant farm laborers are not unskilled doofuses they are skilled workers who are well practiced in traveling to a new spot, working for a week then heading down the road to the next harvest. thats their JOB and its a job like any other which requires considerable skill, and a willingness to bust your hump for less than city folk consider worthwhile.
mexican brusaros excel at this kind of work because they head back to mexico at the end of the harvest to tend their own harvest which come in far later than ours, and they come back with cash that makes the trip profitable if you live in mexico. they are skilled agricultural workers already, and the wage they get up here at harvest goes a long way in mexico.
the problem is, they do not all go home at the end of the harvest. in fact they are not all skilled agricultural workers. many are criminals fleeing mexican law, some are drug mules, some are layabouts, some are just scum. mexico is happy to be rid of them and you lefties want us to treat these assholes like they are farm hands come to do an honest days work which many americans are simply not able to do because of our society's makeup.
so you assholes on the left just keep looking down your noses at rural folks, and calling us racist, and making your trailer park jokes, but the fact is, mobile homes were created to be the "mobile homes" of people who travelled to follow the harvest, and many still do today, but for higher wage gigs than picking lettuce. lumbermen still live in mobile homes and move their trailers from timber stand to timber stand to harvest the trees. it's a way of life thats fast disappearing because it doesnt make for good consumers who stay in one place and reliably consume.
and thats what the tax man prefers.