Open Show and Tell 2015!


Well-Known Member
I am actually chopping the big blue dream now. I was checking trichomes today and seeing many Amber colored ones.. Course this is the plant that has been growing in the ground since March... My bubba Kush was early too..
Will post some pics tomorrow..
Mulanje and Malawi X Mozambique prob won't be ready till end of October.
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Well-Known Member
That blows! I will bring a couple extra jars to bbq man. I hate to hear it but i guess it is time for me to sleep in the garden for a few weeks:(
Thanks Doc! Very kind of you. :) Everyone stay on high alert! Been super busy today! Rebuilt the fence that was raped, will finish the other half tomorrow. My dad came over and helped me chop all my plants. ROUGH chop!! I've got 5 huge bundles of bud waiting to be trimmed. Will be up all night long tonight... My dad was adamant that they would return tonight... So I lost my Papayas completly. They weren't far enough along to keep for hash, and too big to move. They were my biggest problem all season.. I've got some clones going and a bunch of younger plants in the tent, but the lights will stay off all night. My jungle is finished, my backyard.. Empty. :) and :(

The rippers were kids, I think. They individually trimmed buds instead of limbs and colas... Then dropped the tops all over where they walking and in the alley when they ran off. I still got most of my crop. The indica's were done, Sativas had a little longer. But they were still nice and frosty, so it could've been worse.

Was able to take a couple plants to a friend from high school. A BD x Mulanje and the purple haze. I'll still be watching those from afar. Hope everyone else had a better day than I. I'll post some pics tomorrow..


Well-Known Member
Thanks Doc! Very kind of you. :) Everyone stay on high alert! Been super busy today! Rebuilt the fence that was raped, will finish the other half tomorrow. My dad came over and helped me chop all my plants. ROUGH chop!! I've got 5 huge bundles of bud waiting to be trimmed. Will be up all night long tonight... My dad was adamant that they would return tonight... So I lost my Papayas completly. They weren't far enough along to keep for hash, and too big to move. They were my biggest problem all season.. I've got some clones going and a bunch of younger plants in the tent, but the lights will stay off all night. My jungle is finished, my backyard.. Empty. :) and :(

The rippers were kids, I think. They individually trimmed buds instead of limbs and colas... Then dropped the tops all over where they walking and in the alley when they ran off. I still got most of my crop. The indica's were done, Sativas had a little longer. But they were still nice and frosty, so it could've been worse.

Was able to take a couple plants to a friend from high school. A BD x Mulanje and the purple haze. I'll still be watching those from afar. Hope everyone else had a better day than I. I'll post some pics tomorrow..
that hella sucks man...sorry you got ripped. Glad you still got some though :)


Well-Known Member
9/29 *Pic of the Day* @Farmer's Hat

Everyone's plants are looking great! @mwine87 sorry to hear about the rippers man. I chopped half of mine down last night after a Sheriff's chopped hovered over my house for about 5 seconds too long for my liking. If they were taking pics they would have seen me out there with my scissors. :D Hopefully you can crop everything and still stay in the black! Good luck man!


Well-Known Member
Does this look like a cal deficiency from lack of using a cal-mag supplement when using Maxsea bloom? It's hard to tell under the hps, but there is a splattering of yellow on the leaves, like a paint gun running out of paint wound do and the affected leaves have an almost gritty feel to them, though that's likely from low humidity. I have the exact same issue on an outdoor plant in the ground is why I ask. Only connection between them is me and Maxsea.


Well-Known Member
@angryblackman, these were grown in 7.5 gallons of my super soil mix which was amended with bone meal during the mixing phase, as well as alfalfa meal, Epsoma Garden Tone, blood meal, greensand, soft rock phosphate and greensand, all added to a base mix of equal parts peat, high quality vermicompost and chunky perlite. I've had these spotting issues on every outdoor plant I have ever grown in the ground on the farm I use. I've never had these issues with my SS, but then again, I never vegged this long and grew the plants this big in flower and they are water only throughout veg.

On a good note, as an amateur indoor grower, I have learned the value of a couple or four extra weeks of veg.
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Well-Known Member
I'd be worried about bringing outdoor probs to my indoor mwine87 and I am, as I chopped some lowers to provide better air flow for the clouds a d rain we are getting. I trimmed it up on the other side of my house, sprayed the fuck out of the hallway with a permethrin based spray and chanted clothes before entering my grow space at lights on last night.

Looks like you are at least gonna have a harvest! Beats the hell out trying to hustle up the next bag before you run out of the last overpriced shit. I'll quit before I go back to that bullshit.