Open Show and Tell 2015!


Well-Known Member
I did see some guy walk past your house with two boxes of Mac n cheese. I thought it was strange, he was shaking the boxes and listening to em.....ohhhh that's just weird, but then again we are just monkeys, not sure what he was doing.....maybe he borrowed it from you?


Well-Known Member
I'm hella bummed out today, just learned yesterday my pops has cancer. Just lost my little brother 6months ago to cancer now I got to watch my dad go thru is rough.


Well-Known Member
I did see some guy walk past your house with two boxes of Mac n cheese. I thought it was strange, he was shaking the boxes and listening to em.....ohhhh that's just weird, but then again we are just monkeys, not sure what he was doing.....maybe he borrowed it from you?
Hahaha thats the guy on the corner, he drinks a lot but is a nice guy. Offers to trade me mac and cheese for cigarettes, i dont smoke though... he will offer me $15-20 to give him a ride to the shell station. He has no drivers license, dui's...


Well-Known Member
I'm hella bummed out today, just learned yesterday my pops has cancer. Just lost my little brother 6months ago to cancer now I got to watch my dad go thru is rough.
Hugs bro, I lost my Mom to cancer 5 years ago, but she lived 25 years after being diagnosed with cancer... so all hope is not lost, they will have come a long way in 25 years of medicine....


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear that man!
Yeah me too, Im struggling with the fact me and the old man haven't talked in a while. He is in the hospital in Sacramento. Huge part of me wants to go see him, the other part of me is saying to let him be.

He has alzheimer's, we got into a huge fight years ago. We resolved it or I thought we did but he forgot. He would just bring up shit we already talked about over and over and forget about it anyways.......

I feel bad about it, he always forgets we made up and then I feel bad saying he forgot etc etc.


Well-Known Member
Yeah me too, Im struggling with the fact me and the old man haven't talked in a while. He is in the hospital in Sacramento. Huge part of me wants to go see him, the other part of me is saying to let him be.

He has alzheimer's, we got into a huge fight years ago. We resolved it or I thought we did but he forgot. He would just bring up shit we already talked about over and over and forget about it anyways.......

I feel bad about it, he always forget we made up and then I feel bad saying he forgot etc etc.
I would go see him at least once. Tell him when you get there that you cant stay long and be ready to leave when the conversation goes south. Just what I would do. It would hurt me more not to see him again than it would to have another unpleasant conversation.


Well-Known Member
Ill cover half your cost to go fishing with us if you want, even have a buddy to watch your house if you need.
Thanks bro but I have plans already, on the 11th I'm going camping and fishing in the mountains at a old spot me and my bro used to go. I'm chopping the ladies this Friday then taking some time alone.

Thanks tho I appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
Hugs bro, I lost my Mom to cancer 5 years ago, but she lived 25 years after being diagnosed with cancer... so all hope is not lost, they will have come a long way in 25 years of medicine....
Thanks JJ, I don't think he has that long.......from what I'm hearing he has had it for a while and its spread inside.

I'm honestly not supprised, everyone in my family pretty much either kills themself or dies of cancer.....I'm a walking tumor myself, I got tumors all over my body. I don't go to the doctor because, well they didn't help my grandma or my brother. If anything they killed them faster with the chemo and pills.

I'll most likely walk out into the woods, crawl under a rock and do myself and rot into the ground before I go that route. I don't want to waste away in front of my family, rather walk away and not come back.

My brother begged me over and over to end it, he wanted nothing except to die....he waited too long and couldn't do it himself. I couldn't do it either, made him suffer and die anyways.

At least if I do myself, it's on my terms and well I'm gonna die anyways. I don't wanna be buried in a box or cremated. I want to rot away in the wilderness, be devoured by the animals, bones to dust, washed away in the snow, run off into the river and lakes, I will be water, fish,stone,dust, trees, grass, animals, bugs and whatever maybe a turd too.....

My brothers wish was to be cremated and ashes split and then released in a few diffrent places. He never got his wish, he is in a jar in his wife's closet......none of his wishes were honored.

He wanted a pink casket, didn't get that. He wanted Metallica played at his funeral, didn't get that, he wanted a lot of things and he didn't get any of it. And that is why, when it is time, I will walk away and fade away on the forest floor under a rock not to be found. I've already found my resting place, I just hope i don't wait too long and can't make it back there. It's a nice spot off a river, high up in the mountains.

I prob sound crazy, but I've been thinking about death a lot.

P.S. Sorry about your mom, cancer sucks!