Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013


Well-Known Member
Just for size comparison. I do mix my ferts in it though. Although I have used zero ferts to date. All natural backyard soil with heavy perlite. The potted plant is 50/50 natural soil with Fox Farm OF soil and about 40% perlite mixed in.
That was my first thought, just for size reference.
Do you have a valve in the bottom so you can fill your watering container? Or do you just tilt it and pour?
Be careful of rust that might form inside between uses.;-)


Well-Known Member
That was my first thought, just for size reference.
Do you have a valve in the bottom so you can fill your watering container? Or do you just tilt it and pour?
Be careful of rust that might form inside between uses.;-)
I just dip in a 2g watering can. The barrel has some kind of brick color red liner. when not using for ferts I collect my beer cans in it. I have to dump out the last few gallon though. I just pick a plant and tilt it over.


Well-Known Member
also about no ferts so far? I would tell you to look at my avatar pic. That plant was grown with 2 bags of FFOF soil and perlite. We all know 2 bags will not grow plant that big. I have Nitrogen gobs in my backyard soil. This is the first year I went 100% backyard soil. I also got last start after my first 12 clones flowered on me. I think these went into the ground June 1st or fathers day. Best thing I did was start over with new clones. The one I did keep is still stunted and growing single leafs.

I just do not know whats going to happen in flower. I know stretch will be very cool. I will probbaly feed flower ferts. Buds may be leafy for I seen that in the past. It is what it is. at some point you just have to much N.


Well-Known Member
Just for size comparison. I do mix my ferts in it though. Although I have used zero ferts to date. All natural backyard soil with heavy perlite. The potted plant is 50/50 natural soil with Fox Farm OF soil and about 40% perlite mixed in.

My 2013 grow here
That must be some awesome dirt you've got there.

My backyard soil is garbage, but my plan is to amend with a bunch of goodies in winter/early spring with crab shell meal, kelp meal, azomite, dolomite...forgetting what else I want to add. Also planning on a good bit of coir to improve airation and drainage. The best laid plans of mice and men...


Well-Known Member
hey guys, been a while since i pic updated here. maybe like a week.
so ive had to yank like 2-3 6 foot males from the garden. a very sad
out of about 10 i had 4 males, 4 females and 2 unkown gender.
1 male was a kush and looking so good i brought it to another home and that will run
its course. maybe for some breeding, just snag a few beans for next season etc.


- Got one of my baby in the 40 gal georgina. is now massive looks like a christmas tree.
-The huge jack herra with like 9 heads. not showing gender yet. praying for female.
-my 5 Autoflowers i got going on day 4 testing the strain for a buddy Northern lightsX Big bud.
-pic of my clone dome. got 3 clones i took from the plants im sure are female as well as 10 Girlscout cookie seeds
just cracking to their day 0 lol.
- My sativa Dom bag seed.
- a group shot. i posted a pic about a month ago and the same group had 6 plants instead of 3. 3 of the 6 were male. so sad cuz they were all so damn tall and wide.
-A close up shot of the little jack herra that i believe to be a pheno. looks dank.
- and lastly a sad fat kid (me) holding the 6 foot i yanked the other day lol.
found a funny picture today when my mom was looking thru pics.
my old man has been growing for about 30 yrs. always like 1 or 2 plants outdoor for his own use.
nothing crazy. but he tought me the basics. so i guess u could call me a 2nd generation grower lol.
A funny pic of him in his Airforce hat next to his first plant. looks sativa lol. Circa de 1978
funny to think back then that plant was prolly 5% now we have 20% + thank god.

keep it green peeps.


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Well-Known Member

took 60 cuttings off the lower branchs that didnt get any light off these two, need lots more rockwool to finish the others


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Well-Known Member
Things are getting a bit wild! Going to be a lot of maintenance for these ladies :wink:

photo 3 (6).jpg

photo 2 (9).jpg

photo 1 (8).jpg
I'm really liking this Romulan#3. Thanks Wooten!

Old Skool mang

:peace: friends. Let's do this! Lots of great grows from all over California, keep producing! bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
hey guys.. FINALLY got my buddy to send me a pic of my baby from last yr. ive gone thru like 5 phones since last yr so i could never keep a pic that long.
but he still had it. been asking him to send me for fucking weeks. actually smoked a blizz with him yesteday and hes like ill send it since im standing next to u
im like good call. i wake up to realize i still dont fucking have it. text him and thankfully he sent lol.

now last yr i was only tending to 1 -2 plants not 10 so i babied this one . topped religiously from 4th node. and just water and our natural compost soil
in the garden. not a drop of nutrient. pulled just about 9 oz. shes glorious lol. hoping to break my 9oz record this yr with my 40 gal container. well see

the 2 pics.

last yrs baby id say 3 weeks into flowering out of about 7-9 weeks. and the champion for my biggest yield.
and the other pic is my 40 gal confirmed female from this yr. the contender.

im rooting for contender haha cuz i finished smoking the champion some time ago lol :weed:



Well-Known Member
Crap man ! I can't wait to see her flower and the smells ! She's huge.
were gonna see, very strong plant very pleased! I got four of them out there so we might see some different phenos!!!! only got four out of a 10 pack so u might wanna pop a couple extra when u do your indoor run but I got another 10 pack to go too! :)