Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

We can price it out, There's a couple of ways to do it . Need to know how big you want it. We can either frame a box with top and bottom plates or plant pressure treated post in the ground with quickcreate post hole cement. length , width and height. Remember that the hog wire is 5ft tall you could go 10 ft high with two runs of hog wire. I would guess below 500.00 ? but will be custom. the biggest cost is the hog wire . 2 rolls 12pcs for top rafters/fence nailers and a 16 x 16 frame 16 pcs for studs/ fence nailers 2 boxes 3 boxes. Add shade screen if you like this will build a 16 X 16 10 ft high in closed secured greenhouse/box. I did not research hinges and locks for a door it might take a couple more studs. This is with out setting concrete post method.
all that won't hardly slow them down at all...........
8/23 - No signs of any bugs outside of a good number of garden spiders which I will keep. Showing some signs of PM so I gave 'em a shower with Green Cure. All seem happy! I'm going to give 'em a double dose of straight water next time they are thirsty then plan on starting some bloom nutes.

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Well I don't love them at the moment and for a while considered revenge but I'll let it go because they get a hard enough time here as it is.
I shoot rats in my chicken coop with an air rifle. There was an albino white rat, that I wouldn't shoot because I felt the same way. I figured it must have been tough enough standing out like that when all the other rats had dark fur to help hide them from predators. He finally found one of the rat traps in my basement though, I couldn't save him from fate.:sad:
I shoot rats in my chicken coop with an air rifle. There was an albino white rat, that I wouldn't shoot because I felt the same way. I figured it must have been tough enough standing out like that when all the other rats had dark fur to help hide them from predators. He finally found one of the rat traps in my basement though, I couldn't save him from fate.:sad:

I found a rat in the barrel of chicken feed one day after the lid was accidentally left off so instead of killing him I put the lid back on for a little experiment.
Six weeks later I had a look and he was still alive, was basically a bag of bones at that stage so I tipped the barrel over and he wobbled over to the grass where he started licking the rain off, I don't know if he survived though he was gone an hour later , one of the cats probably got him.
Six weeks though without water, they are tough SOB's
I found a rat in the barrel of chicken feed one day after the lid was accidentally left off so instead of killing him I put the lid back on for a little experiment.
Six weeks later I had a look and he was still alive, was basically a bag of bones at that stage so I tipped the barrel over and he wobbled over to the grass where he started licking the rain off, I don't know if he survived though he was gone an hour later , one of the cats probably got him.
Six weeks though without water, they are tough SOB's
I'm a little more humane than that, I use only head shots. "one shot, one kill".lol!
I had some fence rats eating every single ripe tomato I got. I was going thru a portion of rat poison every three days I was putting on top of the shed. I had one portion left and it's been there for a week now. There was a lot of them. Get solar panel electric fence for those damn goats. ! lol
True but it will buy some time, more time then an open carport ? Add a dog and I think that's all you can do. A carport don't hide smell. Nothing does for that matter.
What a screen covered carport offers is stealth. It's not a dead giveaway like pot in open sight. They can suspect what's in there but they can't know for sure, even from your neighbors roof! I think a discrete carport buys you more time. They can smell it but if they can't see it, they really don't know where it's coming from. I had a neighbor tell me once, that she thought my other neighbor was growing weed in his backyard greenhouse. She could see his greenhouse roof from her yard, but not inside. From my garage roof:oops: I could see into his greenhouse & there was no pot, she was smelling my grow & blaming another neighbor for it!:roll:.....stealth work!:mrgreen:
Hey I think I seen one of your pics with one of your next door neighbors with a big ole cola hanging above the fence ?