Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013


Well-Known Member
Some night time candy.

All natural soil and perlite. No vegging ferts. I have been feeding Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom during flower.

See my thread for other details.

Enjoy friends.


Well-Known Member
It's hard to say really. The way they are close to the fence and the sun travel some of them are half plants. And the back sides are not full like the fronts. The tall one was in a shade spot so it grew lanky. I tied it over about about 5 feet. It just grow those long colas.

From past grows I am going to say about a 1lb on the ones in the corner. Maybe little more on some of them. I guess what I am saying is if they were in open area they would be much bigger. Also when I say 6 feet tall and 7 feet wide you got to remember it not really a full plant.

The ones along the patio about 1/2lb maybe little more. Those plants also have week backside for the tall arborvitae tress you see along my fence line. So again half plant. But the half are pretty darn big. Look at the pic that shows the hot tub and little black dog. They get about half the sun the corner plants get. Anyway if you check out the pics good you can see what I am talking about. I cut bundles of shoots that were growing into the fence on all three of the ones next to the bean walls. Only if I had the space.

That small one was an early flowering stunted job. Oh well it is what it is. I learned to toss any early flowering plants in the garbage and start over.


Well-Known Member
It's hard to say really. The way they are close to the fence and the sun travel some of them are half plants. And the back sides are not full like the fronts. The tall one was in a shade spot so it grew lanky. I tied it over about about 5 feet. It just grow those long colas.

From past grows I am going to say about a 1lb on the ones in the corner. Maybe little more on some of them. I guess what I am saying is if they were in open area they would be much bigger. Also when I say 6 feet tall and 7 feet wide you got to remember it not really a full plant.

The ones along the patio about 1/2lb maybe little more. Those plants also have week backside for the tall arborvitae tress you see along my fence line. So again half plant. But the half are pretty darn big. Look at the pic that shows the hot tub and little black dog. They get about half the sun the corner plants get. Anyway if you check out the pics good you can see what I am talking about. I cut bundles of shoots that were growing into the fence on all three of the ones next to the bean walls. Only if I had the space.

That small one was an early flowering stunted job. Oh well it is what it is. I learned to toss any early flowering plants in the garbage and start over.
hell yeah.. thats one thing iv learned from other peoples mistakes to be patient and dont thro your plants out to early. also catipillars. oh m g. those things can kick some ass


Well-Known Member
anybody startin to see budworms? never have I got them where I live, then all of a sudden this yr blam budworms, but there all coming off one plant the huckleberry kush, and its the farthest along also son of a bitch!, I got two more weeks I just been pluckin em and hopin for the best....u got rippers to worry about, fuckin wind getting crazy...I must have been lost in the process of veg cause for some reason I wasn't prepared for some of the bullshit ive encountered this yr.....keep on truckin....theres always next yr right? everythings goin good just the whole problem of this budworm has incurred in the last two days im losin my fucking mind over those bastards ahhhhh

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
anybody startin to see budworms? never have I got them where I live, then all of a sudden this yr blam budworms, but there all coming off one plant the huckleberry kush, and its the farthest along also son of a bitch!, I got two more weeks I just been pluckin em and hopin for the best....u got rippers to worry about, fuckin wind getting crazy...I must have been lost in the process of veg cause for some reason I wasn't prepared for some of the bullshit ive encountered this yr.....keep on truckin....theres always next yr right? everythings goin good just the whole problem of this budworm has incurred in the last two days im losin my fucking mind over those bastards ahhhhh
Yeah those winds fucked up my big Chernobyl, ripped out my supports from the ground. I have seen them budworms also. I have been picking every morning. I like TOKALOTS Netting Idea, seems a lot better than spraying on a weekly basis. Good luck with the battle homie.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I need some advice. I have an aphid infestation of apocalyptic proportion on my Agent Orange, and they are starting to move to my Afghan Special's. It seems cropping the Agent Orange early for hash seems almost inevitable at this point, but I'd like to save my 4 Afghan Special's.

What is a super killer awesome aphid killer that I can spray on plants that are within 3 weeks of harvest.

I've been spraying every 2-3 days with Captain Jack's Dead Bug (Spinosad) and Thuricide (Bacillus Thuringiensis [BT]). Neem is out of the question this late in the game. But I need something with some serious knock down power and won't leave a nasty smell/taste after harvest.

Thanks e'rbody!


Well-Known Member
Yeah those winds fucked up my big Chernobyl, ripped out my supports from the ground. I have seen them budworms also. I have been picking every morning. I like TOKALOTS Netting Idea, seems a lot better than spraying on a weekly basis. Good luck with the battle homie.
yeah I think im with ya on the netting, I actually was looking at that earlier today, the winds been mad crazy this past week shits been gettin fucked off, just ropin what I can I got some broken branches this past week because of the wind, ive decided that if its gonna fall im just gonna leave it be, no point to tie em up just for the wind to blow it off the keep holdin on homie were almost to the finish line! :):weed:


Well-Known Member
check out this new mendo dope song its the first part of weed nerd its pretty fresh ha [video=youtube;TVexVjvQ1i4][/video]


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I need some advice. I have an aphid infestation of apocalyptic proportion on my Agent Orange, and they are starting to move to my Afghan Special's. It seems cropping the Agent Orange early for hash seems almost inevitable at this point, but I'd like to save my 4 Afghan Special's.

What is a super killer awesome aphid killer that I can spray on plants that are within 3 weeks of harvest.

I've been spraying every 2-3 days with Captain Jack's Dead Bug (Spinosad) and Thuricide (Bacillus Thuringiensis [BT]). Neem is out of the question this late in the game. But I need something with some serious knock down power and won't leave a nasty smell/taste after harvest.

Thanks e'rbody!
A shit load of ladybugs!


Well-Known Member
exactly. like i said i think its a teen who got lucky and spotted my fucking christmas tree and probably creamed himself.
he took literally 1 bud of each plant. and ive since moved the big plant and fishing lined it up. so when he comes back
he will know i know. if he decides to keep coming back. the result will be his fault lol

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
Tweekers dont give a fuck if a plant is ready or not! They see $$$$ for their rock habit!
Tweeks are fucking up everybody including themselves. Lowering prices, ripping and ruining xmas for plenty of families... Almost got pissed off just thinking about those lifeless fucks, time for a bong hit :)


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I need some advice. I have an aphid infestation of apocalyptic proportion on my Agent Orange, and they are starting to move to my Afghan Special's. It seems cropping the Agent Orange early for hash seems almost inevitable at this point, but I'd like to save my 4 Afghan Special's.

What is a super killer awesome aphid killer that I can spray on plants that are within 3 weeks of harvest.

I've been spraying every 2-3 days with Captain Jack's Dead Bug (Spinosad) and Thuricide (Bacillus Thuringiensis [BT]). Neem is out of the question this late in the game. But I need something with some serious knock down power and won't leave a nasty smell/taste after harvest.

Thanks e'rbody!

Yea get two or three things of lady bugs they will demolish those lil fucks!