i wish i knew how to upload pics and not have them get squished in the process, outside of going to another source like imgur or something. i'm a little sketchy about giving links from my own website, as it's my business' site, which kinda sorta makes it easy as fuck to figure out where i'm at, being listed on google and all that jazz...
figure i'm about ~30 days from harvest ATM, watching those long term weather forecasts is a fucking nightmare, as they change sometimes hourly, but certainly daily...
so far, i'm not seeing any sort of heavy freeze/frost in the forecast until 3rd week of october, which would be a godsend if it works out like that. heavy rain in montana last 2 days, have had to keep the ladies covered because it's been more or less nonstop for 48 hours now. biggest fear after the last 6 months of hard work is mold. it keeps me up at night.
the last pic in this bunch is a mutant sativa bagseed who the fuck knows what kinda strain, i just know it won't be close to done before my other 4.

oh, and to add my .02c to the home defense discussion, nothing beats a mossberg 590, with a laser sight, and magnum slugs. scumbag tweeker/ripper repellant. that "chk chk" sound keeps the bad guys away.