Landrace indicas thrive over here, especially in the south island as the climate down there is close to the Chitrali or Hindu kush mountains!. The shorter flowering landrace sativas do better up here in the north island and the sativa season is in full swing now, Malawi,Zambian,ciskei,Mexican and central american sativas are perfect for North Island New Zealand. Australia can grow full on 20+ week sativas lol, jealous of their season

maximum harvest here is 2nd week of may in the hottest places but need good mold resistance to survive our rain!
I'd kill to grow an original or old timers haze here!
Anyone in the Northern Hemisphere still finishing off their plants? I'd love to see some plants finishing in December! full on sativa.
Here's a couple Malawis with 2 months veg left
and a Landrace from the area Tashkent in Uzbekistan to be pollinated by a Panama and a Malawi