i have to remind my dad that it was the Chi Lites who sang the song and not the four tops. old people. sigh. and yay to parents buying us booze. my dad never did or would, but my friends parents do. hahaha
I only did it for my boy because I had seen that he was responsible, and (at least while I was around) wouldn't drink unless he was staying over, or was home.
He's old enough (legal) now, but last time he was here to visit I loaded him up with over an oz. to take home for his girlie, (the mother of my grandson) because she smokes more than he does.
Just 2 visits, she's smoked not a lot, but 3 times more than I've seen him smoke in the past 5 years.
Even when we go out, he won't drink if I am, just in case.
Pretty good IMO for a kid coming up on 23, had divorced parents since he was 5, had more than one mother's BF's that 'secretly' grew weed without her knowing, ya right

, and has a kid that he supports.