Mars OG

Top of the MARS OG

Side shot of the Mars OG

This is my pheno #2 of the 501st OG

top of the 501st OG #2

the 501st OG has been revegging for about 2 weeks now

501st OG #2

Warda'Reek'n OG also from Rare dankness

side of the Warda'Reek'n OG

Top of the Warda'Reek'n OG

i love the leaves on the Warda'Reek'n OG

Warda'Reek'n OG

This is the RugBurn OG from Rare Dankness

another of the RugBurn OG ( it was in transplant shock for several weeks)

side of the XXX OG

Top of the XXX OG super bushy! i seriously probably shouldn't have topped this one lol. I don't think i needed to really.

New growth on the XXX OG. beautiful Green color

My smallest plant Fire OG.. it was a tiny clone with barely any roots. Its now starting to grow like crazy

Side of the GSC

Top of the GSC

New shoots and growth on the GSC doing very good

GSC Again

GSC shoots that were facing the Sun

Top of the GSC

Fire OG the other day

Larry OG

Larry OG

Beautiful green again but this time its on the Platinum Blackberry Kush

Platinum Blackberry Kush

Sour Kush

Right side of the GreenHouse

Left side of the GreenHouse

and the one plant I am most excited about is this Afghan Hells Angels

Afghan Hells Angels

Afghan HA

Afghan HA

Afghan HA I love this green the most out of all my plants haha