Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
thanks for the rep lemon, a lot of hard work been put in
credit where credits due my friend. did you mention the strains your running??

EDIT: just a stoned thought, as you have put so much work in already, would it be beneficial to construct a wooden frame around the court and panda poly some walls around your grow to reflect more light in? im assuming its a legal grow?

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
Thanks Robs:fire: 10 bag seeds, 2 males "gone", vege under 30w cfl 4 weeks, 2.5 cubic of potting soil each one, coast of maine potting soil plus some lobster compost, and this grow is so close to where people drive to go to this drive out on sandy beach, so i was afraid of reapers, but the area is untouchable even by hunter each not allowed here, so if make to october next year i i'll put hard work to it and get better results,some bush monsters, like KEVDOGG5555 those are huge man.
im assuming the bagseeds in the us are worth taking a chance on. it cant be easy to prep and maintain these gardens, im surprised to see allot of U.S growers using bagseed on large grows!


Well-Known Member

Lemon king

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
bying seeds from website are expensive now, so a lot people are going with bag seeds from good stuff that they smoke before, 90% save right there, also bying seeds u have chance no to get the seeds, also take so long to get to u, maybe wife don't let u grow, reason why i grow guerrila, my wife one time tru way $80 worth good seeds from dinafen sinze thet they i change my way of think about bying or going for bag seeds, good female rate somehow man don't nkow why.:idea:


Well-Known Member
Just surprising as the combination of genetics could be so far from the bag of smoke it came from...nice to have a surprise though!!
It is always a surprise, LOL.
This started out looking mostly Indica when she was a tot, then soon switched teams.
By the time she finished, had 80 something days flowering, but gave me 2 3/4 oz. cured from CFL's, and actually for the first month and a half after first pistils, I still only had my 98w of veg bulbs until I finally added the rest to bring it up to 305w.


Well-Known Member
bying seeds from website are expensive now, so a lot people are going with bag seeds from good stuff that they smoke before, 90% save right there, also bying seeds u have chance no to get the seeds, also take so long to get to u, maybe wife don't let u grow, reason why i grow guerrila, my wife one time tru way $80 worth good seeds from dinafen sinze thet they i change my way of think about bying or going for bag seeds, good female rate somehow man don't nkow why.:idea:
I 'da had to bitch slap her . lol [video=youtube;yyDUC1LUXSU][/video]


Well-Known Member
ya same with Bak, i use bag seed and started like 10+ plants but i also only will pull seeds from occasional
bags of really good smoke. and since i get a couple ozs @ a time u might find a seed in a QP and those are the ones i keep.
sucks u get some males typically but def cheapers than buying seeds. but outdoor is easier. when i go indoor. im gonna be buying my
seeds and gauranteed FEM cuz u cant waste space for like a month or two waiting for a plant to turn male.


Well-Known Member
for some reason when i just topped my biggest plant for the 3rd time it seemed to go from 1-2-botched top so 3, so this top will make 6.
its weird. but still a nice bush lol

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
I topped it from 2-4-8-16-32-64 then started LSTing and spreading it out.

  • You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Budologist420 again.

wow that last plant is a serious little lady kudos to you sir........all i need now is and update from kev dog.....(hint) lol