Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

@socaljoe, I made a blood and bone meal tea and am using some for foliage feeding. 20 mins after spraying today I caught 2 of my dogs licking the sides of the cups, lol.


Well-Known Member
Made a little more progress since my post earlier.
Gonna soak them and hit each one deeper.
Gonna be focusing on Aloe Vera foliar sprays tomorrow from my fresh aloe plants.



Well-Known Member
Good shit Bud!!! I have to get over to the organic section and see what's up!

You trying to get in on the Hurkle testing with Sub?


Well-Known Member
Good shit Bud!!! I have to get over to the organic section and see what's up!

You trying to get in on the Hurkle testing with Sub?
At this point in my life i'm not into the high CBDs, i know they are very promising and the future of medicinal marijuana lies in the strains with high CBD numbers but for now I'm more interested in THC potency, flavor, and yield.


Well-Known Member
019.jpgHelp A Grower Out Should I Plant These Im All Ready Growin 5 Plants And Planting 4 Kosher Kush Seeds On 4-20 Thank You


Well-Known Member
Oh nice catch. I been wanting to get some of those or the regular Cali Tahoe og but someone is supposed to get me the real cut ,so im waiting. Are any of your other seeds or sprouts Fems ? Maybe pop a couple of them ? :weed:


Well-Known Member
He moved to San Louis Obispo. I heard from him a few months ago he said he was Doing a greenhouse grow but he's basically fallen off the map. I was just thinking about him at work yesterday lol.


Well-Known Member
@socaljoe, I made a blood and bone meal tea and am using some for foliage feeding. 20 mins after spraying today I caught 2 of my dogs licking the sides of the cups, lol.
Haha. I can't stay mad at my dogs for trying to get into my bone meal or tearing up my cucumbers, they're just so damn goofy about it. I keep catching them in the garden sniffing at my newly transplanted veggies...I think it's the earthworm castings I mixed in, something about the smell drives them wild; anytime they find a worm mound, they love to roll on it.

On topic...I popped another seed into soil on Friday, a freebie from Herbie's from Royal Queen called Royal Cheese, another fem seed. I got the soil good and damp, popped a bag over the top and set it by the vent of my TV where it is quite warm. Sometime this afternoon it broke the surface and stood up. Two will be my limit this year, setting aside space constraints and trying to keep a low profile, I just don't know what I'd do with a larger harvest than what I'm likely to get with two plants.

For you experienced growers: do you still get excited planning and setting up a grow, or is it just the novelty of the first time?


Well-Known Member
Im not gonna call my self experienced by any means and Im not a cash cropper. . There isn't enough time in life for me to grow and try everything I would like to and that's indoors and outdoors 24/7. I love seeds and new to me strains. I can't wait to buy more for my stock and pop some new special ones. There is some good breeders out there and some fun and awesome stuff to grow. Still looking for that special one maybe ? So basically Im always excited from the time the seed hits the dirt til the flowering is done. I have to many things I want to try to get in this summer to max out my Rec. Wish I could only do a couple but it's a passion. :leaf: Good luck to your grow ! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Haha. I can't stay mad at my dogs for trying to get into my bone meal or tearing up my cucumbers, they're just so damn goofy about it. I keep catching them in the garden sniffing at my newly transplanted veggies...I think it's the earthworm castings I mixed in, something about the smell drives them wild; anytime they find a worm mound, they love to roll on it.

On topic...I popped another seed into soil on Friday, a freebie from Herbie's from Royal Queen called Royal Cheese, another fem seed. I got the soil good and damp, popped a bag over the top and set it by the vent of my TV where it is quite warm. Sometime this afternoon it broke the surface and stood up. Two will be my limit this year, setting aside space constraints and trying to keep a low profile, I just don't know what I'd do with a larger harvest than what I'm likely to get with two plants.

For you experienced growers: do you still get excited planning and setting up a grow, or is it just the novelty of the first time?
This is my 6th outdoor season And I would say I get more excited each and every year :)