Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013


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Garden Boss

Well-Known Member

Like I said bro, thick skin and Ibuprofen.... U will find more respect with ignoring than getting butt hurt... Anyways my advise would be 100+gallon smart pots, and feed with MaxSea and GOOD SOIL... grow on bro....

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member


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Active Member
For some reason if you put the picture atb the beginning of a line it won't show it. Picturws gotta be away from touching the side. Anyways I must have pissed ya off. So ill just stop and post more as I get closer to flower.


Well-Known Member
jp, you're not going to find a better bunch on this forum than the outdoor guys. They've been helpful to my newbie self without being condescending and are always quick with a kind word when you're on the right track.

Sometimes things get lost in translation with the written word. You'll come to get a better feel for the different personalities among the outdoor guys.

Looking forward to seeing your progress.

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
go dro bro.....3 words will change ur life


if them plants in the piks are 2 weeks from done go hydro. The least yield u could expect would be at least double what you have.

you can pull 6 zips pissing in the buckets!!

then you can spend nov- may veggin a couple girls for the summer season. You put them out at 8ft and wait for a the magic.....


Well-Known Member
What did you guys do to the newbie ? lol :-P This will not be tolerated ...... lol :-P is he a little emotional ? :-P
IDK man, I think he misunderstood Jozi a couple pages back.
I thought we had it ironed out until JP thought he pissed me off when I didn't answer him, but I fell out.
I wasn't ignoring him.:cry:


Well-Known Member
LOL, I like the Butt hurt form .
I don't understand why he couldn't see it.
I think he would'a gotten a giggle or two out of it.
He also mentioned problems posting or something, so I'm wondering maybe something in his settings........:confused: