Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

I was very pissed off last night, I finished making the Shatter and it was about 12:30am when I was updating on here and when I went to hit submit, i got an error and it froze, so the whole entire final post to the absolute shatter got lost. I will re-do after my morning coffee. lol

@TWS man thats a lot of strains to make one strain, wonder if F2s are made how many different phenos would pop. Thanks for the lineage bro!

Frost sure did make my Mexican fugly AF, but the pistils are finally starting to wither all over and not just where the frost got the cola tips. Really though, I'm kinda glad the frost darkened her up a tad, cause she sticks out bad against the mostly brown backdrop. The extended forecast looks like at least the next 10-14 days will be above freezing, so I should be have some good smoke if I'm forced to harvest then. I'm looking for a target date of at least Nov 9 at the earliest.

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Wow Smidge34 I've seen plants decimated by frost how the hell is that scraggly mexican hanging in there?

Kudos for your diligence! Are you going to turn that into some dank oil?
Wow Smidge34 I've seen plants decimated by frost how the hell is that scraggly mexican hanging in there?

Kudos for your diligence! Are you going to turn that into some dank oil?

Nah, I'm gonna slow dry, cure and smoke the hell out of it. I sure wish I could make crumble like F.M.I.L.Y., then I'd run the whole fucking thing. I put a sheet over her a couple nights, but really only hit sub-32 degrees one night and that's what did the damage. I've got one grow buddy who I trust who has seen her and is ragging me about how woolly and ugly she is.
Well I finished last night with everything around 12:30am. Here is how it turned out.
These are the four filters that I used. There is quite a bit of stuff in there.
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Here I am cooking off the Everclear, once I see the oil, I then start to scrape it out in the pyrex dish so its a nice thin film, plus it help get rid of the Everclear. When the Everclear is out of the product, its time to scrape rows of Shatter. I used approximately 18 razor blades.
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The first pic is what I call waste. Its from the razor blades that I used to thin out all four batches I ran. Came out to be .5 grams. Second pic was the final yield of Absolute Shatter, 12.2 grams. So both together comes out to be 12.7 grams. Starting product was 15.8 grams, so 3.1 grams was filtered out or lost (plus I did 4 dabs of it, 1 of each batch I ran). Thats not bad at all if you ask me.

Smoke report on it, well lets say its smooth clean smoke but the flavor is not there and I dont like the taste to be honest. When I do a dab of it, it makes my head, ears, and eyes tingle(which I liked). Overall it def did its job to make the smoke cleaner and smoother! Overall I prefer my crumble cause its much tastier and less work. Doing this method requires a lot of time (2 days) and patience plus its a bitch working with shatter.

The real test comes when TWS smokes it since it is his...Thanks for letting me do this test with your product.

sourkush f5's.... both phenos pictured here...... both grown outdoors..... a diesel phenol and a bubba phenol...
some shit that smells lik onions and cool ranch dorritoes... I shit u not... then when u break it up it smells like sulfur/onions/garlic/spices.... sativa dom stuff... strain unkown shit got kinda mixed up and turned upside down in this years gorilla.... there is a heavy hybrid but apparent thai influence to this...
^^^ prolly the easiest strain to trim this year.... nice flower to leaf ratio.. still not my fav. I love indicas like the ones pictured before it

Well busted out some Vegetable Oil the other night wanted to make some edibles only made enough for two batches.

Started with some Black Domina Buds not Trim scaled at about 18.2 but put another 3 grams in to make it a total of 21.2 grams to 1.5 cups of oil, Ended up with about 1 cup at the end of THC Vegetable Oil.

I put the product in a mason jar then put the 1 1/2 cups of Oil in the jar shook it up put water in the crock pot then put the crock pot on high.

Came back about an hour in a half later the water temp was about 150 and stayed there the rest of the time cooked for about 6-10 hours, Then strained it through two unbleached coffee filters and BAM the end Result!!

Vegetable Oil 10-27-2013 (4).jpgVegetable Oil 10-27-2013 (3).jpgVegetable Oil 10-27-2013 (7).jpgVegetable Oil 10-27-2013 (1).jpgVegetable Oil 10-27-2013 (2).jpgVegetable Oil 10-27-2013 (6).jpgVegetable Oil 10-27-2013 (5).jpg

Well busted out some Vegetable Oil the other night wanted to make some edibles only made enough for two batches.

Started with some Black Domina Buds not Trim scaled at about 18.2 but put another 3 grams in to make it a total of 21.2 grams to 1.5 cups of oil, Ended up with about 1 cup at the end of THC Vegetable Oil.

I put the product in a mason jar then put the 1 1/2 cups of Oil in the jar shook it up put water in the crock pot then put the crock pot on high.

Came back about an hour in a half later the water temp was about 150 and stayed there the rest of the time cooked for about 6-10 hours, Then strained it through two unbleached coffee filters and BAM the end Result!!

Smart idea using the jar in the water. Last time I made oil I did water, oil, and trim in the crock pot. Then I had to strain and seperate the oil from the water. I made a huge mess. Shit came out strong though.
Well i started to make Brownies thats when things changed lol.

I ended up making a pizza brownie with peanut butter on top and chocolate drizzled on top of that lol.

This first pic is of my apple juice i looked down and was like damn im drinking FM's crumble lol.

The second pic is of the brownie mix poured on the pizza plate. Then the Third pic is of the Peanut butter melted.
Apple Juice lookin like Wax.jpgBrownie mix on Pizza plate.jpgPeanut Butter.jpg

Fourth pic is pouring Sweetened condensed milk into the peanut butter.
Fifth pic if peanut butter on top.
Six pic the Chocolate chips.

Condensesd Milk in Peanut Butter.jpgThe Peanut butter on top of brownies.jpgChocolate Chips.jpg

Seventh pic melted Chocolate Chips.

Final pic End Product lol.

Melted Chocolate chips.jpgMelted Chocolate Chips Drizzled on top.jpg
I finally have started harvesting. Took down a couple of my smaller, late start plants. I wouldn't mind the trimming if it didn't aggravate the tendonitis in my arm and make my back sore from sitting hunched over. Oh well, it'll be done sooner than later.
Well I finished last night with everything around 12:30am. Here is how it turned out.
These are the four filters that I used. There is quite a bit of stuff in there.
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Here I am cooking off the Everclear, once I see the oil, I then start to scrape it out in the pyrex dish so its a nice thin film, plus it help get rid of the Everclear. When the Everclear is out of the product, its time to scrape rows of Shatter. I used approximately 18 razor blades.
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The first pic is what I call waste. Its from the razor blades that I used to thin out all four batches I ran. Came out to be .5 grams. Second pic was the final yield of Absolute Shatter, 12.2 grams. So both together comes out to be 12.7 grams. Starting product was 15.8 grams, so 3.1 grams was filtered out or lost (plus I did 4 dabs of it, 1 of each batch I ran). Thats not bad at all if you ask me.
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Smoke report on it, well lets say its smooth clean smoke but the flavor is not there and I dont like the taste to be honest. When I do a dab of it, it makes my head, ears, and eyes tingle(which I liked). Overall it def did its job to make the smoke cleaner and smoother! Overall I prefer my crumble cause its much tastier and less work. Doing this method requires a lot of time (2 days) and patience plus its a bitch working with shatter.

The real test comes when TWS smokes it since it is his...Thanks for letting me do this test with your product.


No thank you FM. What do you suppose the yuck stuff in the filter Is ?