Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
The problem with revegging is the time that it takes for the plants to come out of it. I have had one that is stalled for about a month now. Just now starting to come out of it. In some cases it's easier to replace the plant with a clone.
Two of mine have stalled and are also just now starting to come out of it....In going to be lucky if they hit 2 feet.. smh but it was my fault I had the lighting all fucked up.


Well-Known Member
Two of mine have stalled and are also just now starting to come out of it....In going to be lucky if they hit 2 feet.. smh but it was my fault I had the lighting all fucked up.
Me, too....had the lighting wrong.
This season I've planted 15 clones, harvested 4, 11 still growing. I have enough finished product to last me til fall. When it is all finished because and only because I have so many plants that are between 2' - 4' tall, I'll meet my needs.
If I knew then what I know now ........
Trying to balance need over greed. :fire:


Well-Known Member
It happens Samantha! !! I've grown outdoor for 3 years and theirs always one or two clones that go crazy's your pog looking Sam this is a pic i took today I put a tomato cage around it because garden boss told me to!!View attachment 3204433
Just took this....sweat dripping off my head...she's just over 3' x 3' but very spindley.
@mr sunshine do they look like the same plant to you

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Well-Known Member
I culled a couple males this morning that i had put in the ground. I will keep replacing them as they show sex with some back up plants. hopefully there arent too many males left. I am replacing them with more non-sexed late starts lol. Im gambling right now. Come on! Hit dice!


Well-Known Member
ya i didnt know either they were under the dirt so i never saw them thought it was suffering from being over watered but it never got better so i decided to rip it out and thats what i found they did a number on it any suggestions on getting rid of them


Well-Known Member
no worries i cut a bunch of clones off of her let some in the cloner right now and 10 others in a glass of water till they perk back up then those will be going in the cloner tomorrow looks like i will be growing some g-13 haze for my indoor when this weather cools off IMG_0236.JPG