"Operation Wetback" - Trumps latest anti-them strategy.

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
Did you stop reading after the word -well?? You’re just making me repeat myself. Incase U didn’t hear me earlier -I’m not a republican and I always hated Trump and couldn’t believe he was even an option to be our president..I’m just staying optimistic and stating facts.

Right now the economy is doing well (compared to our past). It has steady growth, low unemployment, and little inflation. That's called the Goldilocks economy because it's neither too hot nor too cold.
That's not a source. My Union brother, a source would be where the information your stating is listed with maybe reference to other things, graphs or a chart. Where exactly did you find this information?


Well-Known Member
Teamster pride! You seem like the type to judge even your own friends/co workers. We call those traitors. And are you a doctor? Who are you to say if someone is faking it or not, common!!! And I never said any of that shit you just said LOL
If you check how the economy is doing then you wouldn’t say what you’re saying. It’s actually got better based off the numbers. Do you pay attention or just ramble about your FEELINGS because You’re definitely in your feelings right now.
The economy sucks

40% of Americans can’t afford a $400 emergency

Wages are stagnant and healthcare is skyrocketing

The market hasn’t gained a point in 18 months

Save your retarded lies for other retards (trump cocksuckers)


Well-Known Member
Here in Maine we have all these racist Trump supporters who are all for throwing the illegals out of the country. No freaking clue what would actually happen to our economy if we did that, but they get all worked up over it. We are like 99% white here and these idiots are worried about illegals. And it's a bit like a wife beater who gets upset if somebody insults their wife. We can kill each other all day long and nobody has any problem with that but the second an immigrant commits a crime look out. But you can't talk to them, they are beyond reasoning. Unless you are a 1% who gives zero shits about your country you have no reason to support Trump, and yet there they are. He won't win again, I'm not worried about that, but these idiots aren't going anywhere. We need a plan to change how this has happened. I like to point out to people that we spent more on education than any other country in the world by far. Do we actually believe that our education system is failing? We can put people on the moon decades ago but we can't educate our children? Or perhaps a fearful hateful population who doesn't question authority is the goal of our education.


Well-Known Member
Well no, because I am saying that I believe people should be educated to have the honor to vote, and that's across the board.
Are you really saying that access to a good education is the same for everybody? What do you mean by that anyway? Should a person be able to read and write? Is this the old literacy test again?


Well-Known Member
Well other than basic grammar.
Don’t ever try to talk about my grammar. That very offensive coming from a person who can’t make a paragraph :joint::lol:
Here in Maine we have all these racist Trump supporters who are all for throwing the illegals out of the country. No freaking clue what would actually happen to our economy if we did that, but they get all worked up over it. We are like 99% white here and these idiots are worried about illegals. And it's a bit like a wife beater who gets upset if somebody insults their wife. We can kill each other all day long and nobody has any problem with that but the second an immigrant commits a crime look out. But you can't talk to them, they are beyond reasoning. Unless you are a 1% who gives zero shits about your country you have no reason to support Trump, and yet there they are. He won't win again, I'm not worried about that, but these idiots aren't going anywhere. We need a plan to change how this has happened. I like to point out to people that we spent more on education than any other country in the world by far. Do we actually believe that our education system is failing? We can put people on the moon decades ago but we can't educate our children? Or perhaps a fearful hateful population who doesn't question authority is the goal of our education.


Well-Known Member
Are you really saying that access to a good education is the same for everybody? What do you mean by that anyway? Should a person be able to read and write? Is this the old literacy test again?
Of course people don't have the same access to good education, that is not a priority in America. Obviously what I'm saying is way too radical, talking out my ass, but yeah, if we had a test to get a voting license I would love it. If you believe China is paying for the tariffs you don't get to vote. I wouldn't even set the bar that high to be honest, just really basic knowledge. And like you say, it's not new. Saw somebody on TV the other day who said that the world will always be controlled by the elite and they are correct unless we educate.


Well-Known Member
Of course people don't have the same access to good education, that is not a priority in America. Obviously what I'm saying is way too radical, talking out my ass, but yeah, if we had a test to get a voting license I would love it. If you believe China is paying for the tariffs you don't get to vote. I wouldn't even set the bar that high to be honest, just really basic knowledge. And like you say, it's not new. Saw somebody on TV the other day who said that the world will always be controlled by the elite and they are correct unless we educate.
Suggest the answer is to put more resources into education rather than disenfranchise the people it failed. In any case, what you are suggesting is the repeal of the voting rights act and no way would that be a good idea.


Well-Known Member
Don’t ever try to talk about my grammar. That very offensive coming from a person who can’t make a paragraph :joint::lol:
I'm not going after your grammar, just your claims.

So, from my previous posts.

Trump's trade wars aren't helping the US improve its trade with other countries. If anything, it is hurting not only the present economy but discouraging our customers from continuing to do trade with us in the future..

Trump is extending Obama's economic expansion by borrowing money. Basically what you claim is due to Trump is really just Trump not fucking up what Obama got started. The economic stresses on the workforce is not improving either. Unlike during Obama's years, GDP growth under Trump isn't helping the average worker. As shown earlier, real wage growth is nearly zero and way off from growth during the last four years under Obama. The outlook isn't any better either. In May, there was a big downturn in new employment.

The May jobs report is a big disappointment for workers and bad news for Trump


Weak job growth caught economists by surprise.

Employers added a scant 75,000 new jobs to the US economy in May — far below last year’s monthly average of 223,000 positions, according to the latest jobs report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The sudden drop from April, when the economy added 224,000 (revised down from the initial 263,000 jobs reported), plus slower overall job growth so far in 2019, suggests that the pool of available workers is draining and the US economy is reaching full employment.

The super-low unemployment rate, for example, didn’t budge in May from 3.6 percent. That’s still the lowest rate of unemployed Americans recorded since December 1969.

Yet the small pool of available workers still hasn’t translated to much higher pay: Workers only got an average hourly pay raise of 6 cents in May, the same increase they got a month earlier.

The new jobs report shows that the US economy is continuing to expand, but without middle- and working-class families seeing much of the benefit. Job security is the one advantage employees can count on these days.

Low unemployment and high job creation means that nearly every American who wants to work and is able to has snagged a job by now. And those who lose their jobs, or decide to leave, probably won’t have a hard time finding another position.

I don't think you can understand this. It's my guess that you don't handle complexity very well. So, I'll just summarize: Trump is mismanaging our economy. He is selling the future and giving the proceeds to the wealthy. When a recession hits -- and it will -- within the next two years, the country will be less able to deal with it than it was in 2009.

So, no. The economy is not better under Trump. (Unless you are already rich.)