"Operation Wetback" - Trumps latest anti-them strategy.

radiant Rudy

Well-Known Member
I’ve never been a trump follower. I couldn’t believe he even was an option to voters. BUT he’s actually doing some good for the economy.
Huh? How do I sound like one of the people that cheat the system?
Your memory is fading already? You asked me why I’m on here and not at work.
That’s why we’re talking about workman’s comp. I sound like one of them people cheating the system to you but you sound like a judgmental know it all dickhead.


Well-Known Member
You know nothing about me. You’re the biggest troll that I even got a few people PM me about you and unclebuck. I guess u guys are known to troll RIU
Double, no shit?

You ain't making no quarter million a year dude. And everybody knows what UPS drivers get.

Keep lying and crying though.

Tell us more about the economy Trump inherited from Obama.



Well-Known Member
What’s sad is that you post 150,000 messages on RiU lol fukin loser. Old man would keep his mouth shut and pee in his pants if he saw me at his door


Well-Known Member
You would be scared as fuk you old Fart. Trolling RiU with 150,000 OMG I found the biggest loser on here no wonder you keep posting about me. Bum
if i saw you at my door i would ask you to just leave the items i purchased from amazn underneath the portico