"Operation Wetback" - Trumps latest anti-them strategy.


Well-Known Member
Take $42 an hour 10-12 hours a day and OT and that’s $63 an hr for 2-4 hours each day.
Now do the math and let me know what 6 figure number you get!!!
Bunch of chumps can’t take it when they’re proving wrong


Well-Known Member
Take $42 an hour 10-12 hours a day and OT and that’s $63 an hr for 2-4 hours each day.
Now do the math and let me know what 6 figure number you get!!!
Bunch of chumps can’t take it when they’re proving wrong
Nobody at UPS makes 42 per hour.

The max hourly pay is 24. After that you're a salaried employee and required to work 50 hours per week before any overtime benefits apply.


Well-Known Member
^ ^ Uncle Buck LMFAO I’ll just reply with my findings about you from now on. You definitely don’t go to any Cannabis cups or hempfests. An old troll is all you are

Google UncleBuck LMAO
Didn’t know I was arguing with the biggest Cannabis troll known on the internet

too larry

Well-Known Member
It's the same Republican party that it has been since Nixon. The only difference is their lack of subtlety.
Not the same. Until recently congress worked both ways across the isle to get shit done. That isn't happening anymore. On either side. Joe got in trouble for talking about the old days when he worked with southern segregationist. Folks today would rather not get anything done that reach across the isle.


Well-Known Member
People private messaged me about UncleBuck saying don’t worry about him he’s just an old troll who stays online all day at home..slowly dying lol

Google it or look here

Just for my own edification, what does Buck say that triggers you the most?

Wow, I googled him. IMDB gave him 7.0 stars out of 10. Impressive.

Can you send me some of those private messages? With your help, I am sure we can get Buck banned today!


Well-Known Member
i have found they are triggered by being accused of homosexual acts.

i am ok with homosexuality, but they do not seem to be. hence why i have started calling them "trump cocksuckers"
He says you don't go to any Cannabis Cups. IS THIS TRUE!!!?

I know this guy does, at the last one I went to this guy in UPS brown pants was working the parking lot giving out blowjobs to try to earn enough to buy a "VIP ticket".

I admire his work ethic.