Opiates, anyone?


Well-Known Member
no suboxone has naloxen which is a opioid "antagonist" in it(same thing they give you if u OD on H or OC)... Subutex is just the main thing in a suboxone(the opioid).

Weird mixture huh? they designed it to cancel its self out alittle.
The mixture of naloxone with the buprenorphine was actually to ward people off from "abusing" it, abusing it in the sense of snorting or shooting it instead of taking it sublingually. It's a good idea, because I've seen plenty of people abuse subutex in those ways and its possible to wind up with a nasty little addiction (subutex is just bupe). I guess when you snort or bang suboxone up the narcan actually gets to manifest itself in your body, where as when taken sublingually..the buprenorphine is absorbed into your blood stream via the blood vessels under your tongue..and the narcan you eventually swallow and it gets destroyed by your stomach acids, so your only getting the bupe if taken correctly, narcan can't be taken up through your digestive system. Buprenorphine is a wonder drug..I would surely still have a heroin addiction if I hadn't been saved by a good friend with a prescription to subutex. Unfortunatley theyve been so available to me for so long I actually get terrible withdrawls from subutex nothing close to the sickness that heroin withdrawl is, its rough though because buprenorphine has a freakishly long mean half life 37hrs..longer, up to 72hrs depending on the dose and individual. Myself if i go from a normal dose about 4mg's (Which is all the bupe you need less you've been using H or oxys relatively heavily, its very potent) well if i go from 4mgs to off cold turkey, not takin a daily dose, I wont be in full withdrawl for 4-5days..and I know this from personal experience..over and over again. The first two are bareable..but after that Im down to smoking sleeping and sitting mode. Cant really do anything. days four and five are hellish. After the first week the withdrawl is going strong..starting to subside by the day. Week two I can start the fight..to actually stay clean. A few days into week two Im back on the bupe..its a fucking treadmill man, I fear getting off the subs cause then I'm ABLE to do heroin, and thats discomforting, part of the reason i can get by with subs is that I know I can't do heroin, I can have some prick cookin up in front of me and all I can do is feel anxiety cause i know I could do a shot and it would simply be a waste. Opiates are bad man, and black tar..somethin about that shit..it sticks with ya for years after you gave up your last habit. well thats my rant. I am a junkie..and Im with all of you guys struggling to stay clean.

I want some Ibogaine treatment..I've heard thats an acutal wonder drug..able to actually give you the will to not want to use. got some readin to do..



Active Member
So true, Lolipop! People get surgeries they don't need to keep the pills rolling in. I've seen people fall down the steps, go the the ER for a few Vicodin. Opiates-it's a love/hate relationship!! I love them but damn do I hate them. I wish all the states would wise up like Cali and a few others have. Might have less pain pill addiction if people could legally try Marijuana for their pain.

Dude if you are snorting Vicodins, especially a few lines, you aren;t getting anything but a stuffed up nose. You're basically snorting Tylenol.:wall:
i works if you crush it up enough, but if theres chunks in it then it get stuck in your nose


Well-Known Member
i just went 4 days without them. I had the ass and nose prob, lol, with withdrawls. My pills came in the mail finally. I take codone and morphine sulphate, permaently. Thanks to all those who recomend imodium and benadryl. Without the pills i take trmadol or ultram i think it called like their tic tacs to make it. Only weed can help me sleep. Or take the edge off


Well-Known Member
i just went 4 days without them. I had the ass and nose prob, lol, with withdrawls. My pills came in the mail finally. I take codone and morphine sulphate, permaently. Thanks to all those who recomend imodium and benadryl. Without the pills i take trmadol or ultram i think it called like their tic tacs to make it. Only weed can help me sleep. Or take the edge off
kratom might help you.

but than again, it could lead to a cross addiction.