

Well-Known Member
How many RIU'ers love there opiates? Whats your favorite opiate/opioid ? Mine is fentanyl , nothing better i think.


Well-Known Member
fentanyl - iv never heard of that. is it like opium? cuz I love opium - though overpriced in my area on the rare occasion that it comes around


Well-Known Member
fentanyl - iv never heard of that. is it like opium? cuz I love opium - though overpriced in my area on the rare occasion that it comes around
Fent, is a very strong opiate. the strongest ive ever came across. This stuff makes heroin look like something the girl scouts would do. the following is from wiki,

" It is approximately 100 times more potent than morphine" "Fentanyl — brand names include Actiq, Durogesic, Duragesic, Fentora, Onsolis[2], Sublimaze[3] and Instanyl[4] — is a synthetic primary μ-opioid agonist commonly used to treat chronic breakthrough pain and is commonly used in pre-procedures. It is approximately 100 times more potent than morphine,[5] with 100 micrograms of fentanyl approximately equivalent to 10 mg of morphine and 75 mg of pethidine (meperidine) in analgesic activity.[5] It has an LD50 of 3.1 milligrams per kilogram in rats, 0.03 milligrams per kilogram in monkeys, and an undetermined LD50 in humans.
Fentanyl was first synthesized by Dr. Paul Janssen in 1960[6] following the medical inception of meperidine several years earlier. Janssen developed fentanyl by assaying analogues of the structurally-related drug meperidine for its opioid activity.[7] The widespread use of fentanyl triggered the production of fentanyl citrate (fentanyl combined with citrate at a 1:1 ratio)[8], which entered the clinical practice as a general anaesthetic under the trade name Sublimaze in the 1960s. Following this, many other fentanyl analogs were developed and introduced into the medical practice, including Sufentanil, Alfentanil, Remifentanil, and Lofentanil.
In the mid 1990s, fentanyl saw its first widespread palliative use with the clinical introduction of the Duragesic patch, followed in the next decade by the introduction of the first quick-acting prescription formations of fentanyl for personal use, the Actiq lollipop and Fentora buccal tablets. Through the delivery method of transdermal patches, fentanyl is currently the most widely used synthetic opioid in clinical practice, with several new delivery methods currently in development.[9] Fentanyl is classified as a Schedule II drug in the United States due to its potential for abuse."

If you do not have a strong opiate tolerance DO NOT mess around with this, you will DIE.​


Well-Known Member
mmmmmmmmmmm opiates :mrgreen:
I love me a codeine cocktail.
And opium from time to time
Codeine would do little too nothing for me :(

I have a good friend that grows pods, not a ton or anything but enough too make several batches of tea have been thinking about starting growing them myself... hehe maybe a poppy section too come too RIU.


Active Member
haha yea opiates are amazin! to bad i have an over addictive nature! went to treatment for bein hooked on oxys and havent touched them for about a year!

tea tree

Well-Known Member
I love me opiates. lol, we had a rocky start to permanant use for me pain. But I got it down now. But this is where it is at

"laurens grape" 5.95 at annies annuals. Not that I would know about that. Literally the 20 dollars for one plant has me a little possesive with my wallet. lol.

So many places to plant a feild when I retire and smoke away like a chinaman come home. Ahhhhhh.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Honestly ive seen them ruin way to many of my friends lives. If you can keep it in check, cool... But alot of people have there lives consumed by them