Opinion based lighting question..help

I will make the question simple. I would prefer answers be a little more in depth, so I can get reasons for said answer.

Your pick of light setup

600 hps overhead & 4ft 4tube t5 sidelight


1000 hps overhead

I just am struggling with this. I don't want anymore than one of the 2 choices. There is many advantages to sidelight. But this question is leaning right in the middle for me. There both good but I can't decide. Please help


Well-Known Member
the 1000W

for the pure reason that you will have a hard time providing your plants with strong light from a T5HO fixture as they need to be with in 2-4 inch`s to provide good strong light


they are great for Veg. and I also seen people use em in a scrog for flowering with great results, but IMO you will provide them with more heat then light and use more power per gram then with the 600W alone

I would maybe look in to vertical grow methods instead,if you want some side lightning, with a 1000W or maybe two 400W (or one 400W MH and one 600W HPS)


that or use CFLs if you just looking for a bit of side lightning with not to much cost


Well-Known Member
i would say 600w

1000w is a lot of light and typically unless your growing 20 plants in sog or 5 trees in a room with a large area and are shooting for a distribution sized yield i would say more is better doesn't apply here if your just growing a couple plants a 400 or 600 would give you a really nice harvest

forget the t5 and just get a mh conversion bulb or save the money you would spend on the 1000w and get a digi ballest


Well-Known Member
I tried sidelights before and decided it just wasn't worth it. Other factors have to go into account too, size of room, number of plants. Going with a 1000w doesn't do you any good if it overheats your grow area to much.
It's not really about money or how much heat it produces.

The one thing that could affect answers I will tell right now. It's a 7x7x7 tent only for flowering and the only 2 choices I'm interested in are the 600+t5 or 1000.

Thanks everyone for input


Well-Known Member
It's not really about money or how much heat it produces.

The one thing that could affect answers I will tell right now. It's a 7x7x7 tent only for flowering and the only 2 choices I'm interested in are the 600+t5 or 1000.

Thanks everyone for input
if you aren't considering the main factors in buying lights then by all means get the 1000
Thanks everyone for the input..I think ill just go with a 1000 and not mess with having 2 lights to move around accordingly