it's so over priced, you can get the same ingredients for 1/10th the price they are charging you, and i have no jealous nature, it's common sense not to spend more money than something is worth.
Their bottled nutrients aren't organic and don't grow very good tasting buds, might as well just bust out the general hydro 3 part at that point if you just want some hydro tasting buds. All these bottled salts work the same, and give the same crappy hydro taste. If you are dumb enough to fall for the marketing that's on you.
You just keep posting this very misleading and incorrect set of statements. They are your opinion only and completely unsubstantiated.
The only salts in pure Blend Pro are mag and calcium and whatever trace elements are present in the seaweed extract and worm castings and such they include. It is an all natural mix and only not OMRI certified because of a process they use on one of the elements.
Kind is made of calcium nitrate and other typical NPK and then the seaweed extract serves to fill in trace elements. So a hybrid mix.
If it says organic like the dry ferts it is OMRI certified just like your organic soil inputs. Which are mostly mined and processed from other industries waste anyway. and some stuff like guanos can be sourced and mined in horrible ways that kill the ecosystem that it came from. And there are no regulations in some of these countries for quality control or even bacteria control. Hurry up and order from Amazon.
If fed properly and complete you can not taste the difference between a bottled fertilizer grow and an organic soil grow with teas or even water only as the only elements getting inside the plant are broken down into the same usable forms. Chemicals.
You are the one falling for marketing. The. chemical based hydro Grow is the cleanest way to grow a plant if you are worried about what is in your inputs. Organic inputs are and can be dirty or even toxic from the source.
And we are not spending more than the stuff is worth. We are spending what it costs. And we like to for the convenience and many for the clean storage and space savings.
At least just say you prefer an organic grow. We have done many blind tests and no grower or patient has ever consistently been able to pick out which is which in my and my old caregivers tests and most picked the hybrid bud not full hydro or organic.
I think it was because the hybrid bud got more complete nutrition and was just better pot all around.
It tasted more of its individual strain characteristics and was more potent I thought but I only picked it 2 out of 3 times myself.
It's all bullshit opinion Yodaweed. Both sides of these arguments. All sides especially when there is a personal investment or agenda. Even reality goes out the window to prove the misguided point.