Opinion please !!!!!

Blue feather

New Member
I'm pretty sure it's bugs but this is my first go around so I'm not 100% , I have brown spots on the edges of some of my bottom leafs, only on one plant! I used a mixture of garlic and onion blended and strained in a water bottle to try to get rid of them ... Before I found this great site ::::: will this have any effect on my plants and/or do I need to try something more before they spread

Blue feather

New Member
Okay so, I just want to add after reading reading readin forums and treads on here , I have came to the conclusion I have a problem with my fert. !!! This site is awesome ! So far I have just winged it with some seeds I have saved and stuff around te house my pansy seemed to be doing so good I decided to go ahead and start learning how and what I need to do to keep them going .... This would be the first time I have had no problems ...... I new nothing about light or any thing else now I'm starting to feel like I know what I'm doing enough, to at least end up with a harvest of some sort ! And that's enough for now thank you all for your great info !!! Much love from The south