Opinions before I start, please.


Well-Known Member
Ok, first off, I no longer have a grow room. My girlfriends daughter and her kids moved in with us and I had to use ALL my grow areas for bedrooms and closets for them. But, I am about to start again in a new place. I will gut out an old trailer. There will NOT be any heating or cooling in it, at least for now. Ill have to run electric to it.What I want opinions on is: should I just buy a tent or build a room? Will it be easier to control temps in a tent, mainly when it gets really cold? How well do they hold heat when the outside area is near freezing? It will cost more to build a room out of paneling, but I will if it will be best. I havent decided on size yet. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
I would build a room .. build it in a corner and you only need to build two walls ..

or even better the end of the trailer .. take the last 4 feet and build one "fake" wall .. can even hang a curtain to cover it up ..

I did it similar in my spare bed room


if cold winter wether is more of a concern to you then hot summers I would maybe buy a patch of rock wool and insulate it ..
also much more easy to insulate 1/4 of the trailer then keep it all warm/cold for the tent ..

more importent .. make sure to make some nice intake/out take holes for a good ventilation system (make sure to make intake bug proof) and if smell out side can be a problem get a filter .. with a closed room with a filter it will be pretty stealthy .. dunno how close Ppl live to you or if security and theft is a issue for you ?

but trailers is`t the most secure place to grow ..

I would do it like that and use the rest as a store room for old junk or keep the old sofa in there and use it to smoke with the guys .. don't lock it up to good or Ppl. will break in .. lock the grow room up good insted .. or even better mount a hidden alarm you don't tell anybody about ..



Well-Known Member
If you build it you can insulate it. Maybe the lights will keep it warm enough. Don't know how cold it gets where you are. just a thought.