Opinions of plant characteristics


I am on my second project to date and use cfls in my hollow dresser. To start this off I wonder what is the proper node spacing, forgetting about light distance, nutrients and what not. Is it possible for node growth to be to tight. I see many plants that have equal sets of leaves, but are 3x as tall... I am aware that stretching is not good but is there an opposite to that.


Well-Known Member
Just from my experience, nothing scientific or anything but seems to me that most strains vary somewhat from one to another. My indicas tend to be more closely spaced while sativas tend to be longer, lankier and further spacing of the nodes. If I run across a strain that doesn't suit my need as being spaced too far apart FIMing does the trick for me. I use to top but found the recovery time was more than I wanted for the method I grow with now. I can't help you on the part about if they are too close, I have expriemented with taking clones that were spaced really close together and stretched them a bit by raising the light a little more. That being said, I don't recommend this method but in trying it a few times it did work for me. I think it worked for me more out of luck than knowing what I was doing.
I hope that this helps you some or maybe gives you some ideas. Good Luck


yeah last grow i had a 1 sativa and 1 indica side by side, both ended up bein dudes, the differences where uncanny really but the indica was quit bushy and moving the light back is a great way to get a little space in there or even slow growth of the whole plant a bit. Thanks, and this did give me some ideas of more questions, like what is the out come of a very tight nodeing/branching plant, as in tight buds or more fluffy due to lack of light penetration. I am starting to think the only way I will answer any of my questions is to finish my grow:) Any opinions welcome and thanks.