Opinions on 600 watt light setup!

First thread. First grow. Thousandth idea, but this one I could not find upon researching. Just looking for opinions. Think its good or should I change? If so, how?

Thanks for any input, even if to an already started, similar thread I could not find.


Dr. Skunk Bud

Active Member
You should suck air through the carbon filter and blow the air though the lights to cool them off. I would suggest using a can fan instead of the inline fan. You don't need that other filter either. Also why not just have the lights side by side it would b
e more efficient. This what I would do except the can fan would be attached to the carbon filter.
Also what is the filter for if the fan and ducting is to cool the lights?
I would use 1 fan to cool both lights and the other with the filter to cool the tent

FNG Grower

Well-Known Member
I'm still constructing my room ventilation setup, also with a 6" inline blower and a carbon filter. The previous post is correct that the carbon filter should be on the opposite end of your diagram (suck instead of blow). I would also keep your light cooling system separate from your temp/filter exhaust system, but this might depend on how much space you have for your grow. I have a 10x10 room, which gives me plenty of room for air circulation and an exhaust system, but a small grow tent might be a different story. How much space do you have to work with?
I had read somewhere that putting a filter on the fan sucking air in would help to keep bugs and mold spores thing like that out. I will also do the side by side thing with the lights. Just a newb to the whole growing scene. Thanks both of your inputs greatly appriciated!
I'm getting a 10 x 5 tent. I was just worried about the light ventalation i was also going to have actual tent ventalation. And it's a newb question but I thought the carbon filter was to keep smell down? Thanks for you input!
Just putting this out there..Have not actually bought anything yet. I plan to spend roughly 2 grand building my system but I'm doing all research before I buy and putting all plans on paper to make sure it's exactly how I want it/how it should be done.

Dr. Skunk Bud

Active Member
You can probably do your setup for way less than $2000. I would start out with a cheaper setup and see what you can do. Just because you throw a ass load of cash at a setup does not mean you are going to see massive production. Start out simple and when you get more experience at growing you will have a better understanding for what you need and don't need.
I would run 2 fans, one for the lights and one for the filter. Keeps my 4x8 well ventilated. It is a fuckton of work, couldn't handle a 2kw 5x10 by myself, thats for sure.