opinions on gay marrage ??

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Serial Violator

Well-Known Member
Dont you think its wrong to be allowed to get married and raise a family if your gay? I think its stupid that people would raise a child to think its normal or okay to be gay. If it were for gays you and I would never be here. Shit gay people dont make babies, straight ones do! I have nothing against you if you want to screw someone of the same sex but dont raise a child in that environment, now thats just wrong. You wouldnt teach a kid that its okay to fuck animals would you? Now why would you think its okay to raise him/her thinking its okay to screw the same sex!?

No one was born gay or a different sex internally then they are externally. The people that turn out that way were either traumatized earlier in life somehow or just have way to many screws loose upstairs. Come on people how is our society going to thrive with gays!? It wont! The purpose of man & woman is to create life! Thats why we are here lets just be STRAIGHT forward about it! The more we over look being gay the more society thinks its acceptable and the more gays we have!
I guess on the good side is that if you are gay at least we know you wont be spreading your foul sissy genes thru out the world. No breeding for you :cuss:

-one love
Just when thought I liked you then you come out with this shit. TWAT


Well-Known Member
Dont you think its wrong to be allowed to get married and raise a family if your gay? I think its stupid that people would raise a child to think its normal or okay to be gay. If it were for gays you and I would never be here. Shit gay people dont make babies, straight ones do! I have nothing against you if you want to screw someone of the same sex but dont raise a child in that environment, now thats just wrong. You wouldnt teach a kid that its okay to fuck animals would you? Now why would you think its okay to raise him/her thinking its okay to screw the same sex!?

No one was born gay or a different sex internally then they are externally. The people that turn out that way were either traumatized earlier in life somehow or just have way to many screws loose upstairs. Come on people how is our society going to thrive with gays!? It wont! The purpose of man & woman is to create life! Thats why we are here lets just be STRAIGHT forward about it! The more we over look being gay the more society thinks its acceptable and the more gays we have!

I guess on the good side is that if you are gay at least we know you wont be spreading your foul sissy genes thru out the world. No breeding for you :cuss:

-one love
I've read nothing in this thread but this OP.

You are a fucking idiot. Plain and simple, a goddamn retarded waste of space, oxygen and water. Please KILL YOURSELF.

Moving on...

Being homosexual IS normal.

If it were for blowjobs, you'd NEVER BE HERE. Should we outlaw blowjobs, fuckwit?

Homosexual couples can use surrogate mothers, idiot, again, you should probably KILL YOURSELF so nobody else gets infected with your retardation gene.

Raising a child in a homosexual environment is proven to be just as successful as a heterosexual environment, there is literally nothing scientifically measurable to differentiate to a child as different or obscure. Children raised in homosexual households grow up with a developed concept of morals as heterosexual households. Shut the fuck up with your bullshit. You don't like it because you think it's "icky" and you've been raised to believe so, but the truth is, your parents were uneducated on the subject, just as you are, so once again, shut the fuck up about what you know nothing about.

Fucking animals and having a consentual, homosexual committed relationship is like saying "you wouldn't play poker if you played chess, now would you? That shit is just unnatural!", get fucked and stuff your face with big black cock, because you are a goddamn retard.

Sexual orientation has zero bearing on the upbringing of a child. Scientifically proven fact motherfucker, shut the fuck up, you're an idiot with zero knowledge on the subject beyond "ewww, I think it's gross so you shouldn't do it either!". Fuck you.

Homosexuality is spontaneously developed during sexual maturity, puberty. You have ZERO control over this. Fuck you. Don't believe me, go ahead, turn gay, can you? No. Then fuck you, idiot. Shut the fuck up.

Homosexuality is a completely natural and normal function of human sexuality, as is bisexuality. Shut the fuck up.

The purpose of man and woman is to procreate, is it? Then say goodbye to handjobs, blowjobs, and anal sex, because none of those serve to procreate. And you should probably stop jacking off, too, because guess how many "babies" you're murdering with each load? MILLIONS.

Homosexual children are conceived of, GUESS WHAT! HETEROSEXUAL COUPLES, YOU FUCKING RETARD! Son of a bitch, how could you be this goddamn stupid, uneducated, biased and ignorant! OMFG!!!!! It's astonishing!!!!!

I feel sorry for anyone that knows you in person. Please, again, KILL YOURSELF. Nobody would miss you, I promise! You are what is wrong with the world, you're too stupid to understand reality, and nothing you will ever do will redeem you for this retarded fucking post. I can't even believe you'd bring this shit to the public forum to be criticized.

Move the fuck to Iran or Pakistan where they execute homosexuals, or else shut the fuck up with your ancient beliefs, get fucked, kill yourself, I'm embarrassed to know a human being on the planet Earth holds these beliefs.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
Why do you assume he's young? That throws me off. It's usually the really old people that are stubborn and set in their ways. younger people tend to be more open minded.
i have a nasty habit of assuming that everyone here is 25 or so. it's weird to hear young people say stuff my grandfather would say to a talk radio host.


Well-Known Member
No more fucking the pillow cushions to get off, these moral white knights are fighting for conception!! No longer will my palm be moisturized, no longer will my sexual partner be allowed to taste my seed! Orgasms, from now on, MUST be ONLY to procreate! My seed will not be wasted!

Life begins at conception, so it's immoral to prevent it! Didn't you know!?

FUCK, man... it honestly scares me how far these people have come... Sex only for conception, are you fucking kidding me? YOU YOUR-FUCKING-SELF are likely the product of a sexual accident!

I hope these idiots get cancer, AIDS, something! Holy shit they're I D I O T S!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
As an older, straight man, with grown kids:
I don't understand the whole gay thing. But, I will say that it doesn't matter to me who anyone else sleeps with if I'm not involved. It's none of my businesses. It's none of the governments business either. The closest thing I have had to gay sex was a doctor visit that included a prostate exam. Not terrible, but not fun at all. No. I don't get it. But, if you do, that's ok with me.
As for gay marriage... I guess I understand why they want the right to get married, but I think you will regret it when you do. Because, then when you break up, a judge can divide your shit for you. Divorce can be part of the gay lingo.... Not a fun word. But hey, each to his own.
As a freedom loving Libertarian I say, "do what you want to do, and i will too".
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