Opinions on My Art


Active Member
So I had a 10 mile longboard adventure today coming home from school instead of being lazy and driving or taking a bus. Gave me some reflection time on the box again and like most random thoughts these just popped in my head. What if the box is me? Or rather my emotions and thoughts. Awhile back after my lucy trip I came up with an idea that we have two hearts and two minds, a heart and a heart's mind, a mind and a mind's heart. The heart and mind are our expressed and obvious thoughts and emotions. The staff had two lines I think now that one of those is my heart and the other the mind. In the box is my heart's mind and mind's heart since I never truly tell people what I feel or act upon my emotions, instead I chose to lock them in a box out of sight. I cannot name one person I have ever opened up my fullest to, leaving a shell of what I am in my place, a faceless figure.

I'll think more upon it.

I don't have much to show for todays drawings, I'll post them and whatever I draw on Friday when I get home Friday.
i like them, they're almost fractal and maybe a bit tribal? spontaneous, yet organized enough to be a possible composition.
sorry, lots of art-talk in there :3


Well-Known Member
I think it is great that you a being creative! Art is a wonderful outlet. I give you a high five for posting your pix.!!! Drawing, painting, sculpting & gardening are my favorite things to do! If it makes u feel good then keep doing it!!!:peace:


Active Member
Very interesting patterns sir. Keep it up! As they say practice make's perfect so if you enjoy it just keep on doing it...

My first painting

A more recent one... Actually painted this for the Paul Van Dyke rave out here...
Insanly sweet, I love it. I sit by train crossings and watch the paintings go by, wondering of there authors and there descriptions. Great work

That is a very good starting point ... as I begin understand YOUr ART !
And thank YOU !
Puffer is there anything you do not understand or are in to. I applaud you for a full life, well lived.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Insanly sweet, I love it. I sit by train crossings and watch the paintings go by, wondering of there authors and there descriptions. Great work
Thank you very much!

yes i love train watching as well, in the graffiti culture there is a term called "Benching" for exactly that. I will admit though, there is something that is somewhat creepy yet very satisfying about standing in a train yard at 3AM painting, gotta be careful that some crack head doesnt come out of the wood works to get you. Also the union pacific guys aren't very nice to those who paint freights, you dont have to worry about the police as much as you have to worry about getting a steel toe boot straight to the face.


Active Member
wow like lovely and creative, you should do them on a huge scale......
That would require money, but if any luck I have left pulls through I will have a job by the end of the day! $9hr here I come! (That's almost like a walk with Lucy per hour haha)

And more pics incoming! I've spent like half an hour scanning these things and uploading so a little more patience and you shall have your reward! Cheers


Active Member
Scan 41.jpgScan 43.jpgScan 42.jpgScan 38.jpgScan 31.jpgScan 39.jpgScan 28.jpgScan 33.jpgScan 37.jpgScan 36.jpgScan 40.jpegScan 35.jpgScan 29.jpgScan 32.jpgScan 34.jpgScan 30.jpg

I have no idea why it puts photos out of order, but some are zoomed in pictures of others, you get to play the matching game to find out which ones.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
looks about like what I could do back in the 4th grade.. maybe 5th grade.
Hey GURU can YOU humble ME and show ... US what you can do NOW that YOU are all grown UP ...
I would love to see YOUr skills ... !

U see Guru ... when a person is in 4th or 5th grade ... they tend to draw things that are around them ... most often .... lacking a 'grander concept'.
OP's art (and it is ART as it makes me feel ....and that is how I define ART) ... comes from higher states of perception .... which Is elevated with compounds. No 4th or 5th grader would be able to come even close.

Please show me your skillzz ... they must be awesome !
R U only a Tetrachloride User ?
That matters ... 2 me .... and I will see it in YOUr doodles.


Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
I think You should keep on doing what YOU are doing ... as it is excellent .... in how it is coming OUT !
I think that .... perhaps ...YOUr ART ... might not be about Color at ALL ....(so do not force IT ... if it does not feel right)
I think that YOU have your whole life to fill your images ....

U don't need to use colors ..... might want to consider something like ....... symbols or ...... shades ..... !!
Perhaps ... YOUR ARt will inspire someone else to color it !!

Tell me a story of Your VW BUG accident in a picture ..... plz !!
Can You draw what YOU thought ON Impact ?




Active Member
I've been playing around with shading, my dad said that he "needs to show me how", but I prefer lessons learned from experience.

I'll play around with the idea and see if anything comes of drawing my thoughts. I'm going to the beach on Saturday with Peggy (2cp, one of these names has to catch on sooner or later) in what is either my last or 2nd to last 2c trip for awhile ( I tried giving blood and one of my veins collapsed and the other one just wouldn't give, but I had a blood pres of 100/60). I'm going to be drawing to see what comes of it. I'll see if I can draw some of the accident, but most of what I intend to draw usually becomes something else when I'm under the influence.

And where do you find all these pictures?