Opinions on the New Venture


Well-Known Member
what up to all, I think I have officially gotten over my 20wk old plant being a male. that was bad juju all around. but I took it for what it was worth and learned A LOT. my new grow will bypass my last by leaps and bounds. it'll involve 3 totes. two are about 24"x26"x18" in size. one for the main growing area the other for res. the last one being about the size of two tupperware shoe storage bins. approx 16"x8"x4" +/-. i'll be using the ebb and flow system.

The first container will be used for the grow area and will have a space organizer attached to the top it. the organizer is about 3 ft tall but has the same dimensions as the grow container. it will house the exhaust/intake via pc fans, 10+ lights, and a little later an automatic misting system (big things going on over here). the second container will be a res but with a temperature regulator of some sort (submersible water heater maybe?). the last will be a simple overflow buffer but will also house clones and seedlings.

this all of course being theoretical until the actual production begins. i really wanted to bring the idea to the eyes of some more experienced growers, for the fact that i have never attempted a grow on this large a scale with so many variables, and quite honestly i really dont wanna f**k it up. seeing as it will endure some stress already throughout the grow as i stumble along, i dont want to add anymore on top of that. with that said, can you guy/gals point out any flaws or upgrades you notice? all advice is welcome, as usual.


Well-Known Member
for all that plants you need lots of light..with lots of light comes heat so you need something to displace old hot air with new cool air....co2 i would add to something like this...


Well-Known Member
co2, i can dig that. by the way im using cfl's, thanks for that input bud1. so now im in the process of penciling in a co2 system in here somehow. im pretty sure i can find a way. anything else


Mr I Can Do That For Half
That many cfls will give off a shit load of heat.For a small grow like that you could do a 250 hps light with less heat and probably same cost.You say a misting system do you mean misting over the plants or for the roots? As misting the plants above is a bad idea.You will more then likely needd a res chiller not a heater unless your in a very cold inside space as the res should be around 65% so it hits roots at 68-72 degree F


Well-Known Member
i was thinkin along the lines of misting the plants themselves but now you mention the roots, oh my friend my mind started racing. alright heres what i see in my head (bare with me): my last grow was based off of trying to get the plant to take the color or any color for that matter, of the kool-aid that was mixed into its water (soil grow that went to $hyt like no nobodys business). im thinking if i use a root mister that pumps koolaid based water would that aid in the process?? hmmm???? of course the color thing is purely novelty/experimental as i am in the process of going to school for botany and horticulture. actually i want to try the koolaid thing with a batch of carnations to see the results but thats another post for another day. thanks for the brainstorm filthy, im def going to use a root mister now but the kool aid thing may be for another grow, or this one who knows


Uses the Rollitup profile
It sounds pretty good, the main thing is to plan out the basics, and take care of that before you start. Then make plans to make changes. You will constantly be improving different things, so you may as well get started. The exhaust of sufficient air will be most important, so set that up with room for expansion.

HTH :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
tru words indeed, thats how im aimin at this project. as of current i have everything in hand to get the main grow area started minus tubing, go figure. i want to start with a few small pc fans for exhaust/intake but may go with one big exhaust in the top and holes in the support board of the adjustable light. thanks for that info keeps me grounded