Opinions on this method?


Well-Known Member
Over the course of my researching before I finally out a seed in the ground I realized there as many theories on perfect curing as there are stars in the nights sky. How does this sound to an experienced grower, trim and hang dry until outside is dry and stems crackle but don't snap. Then transfer to mason jars, burp them as needed and pay attention to the RH meter. Ideal RH is 65% or whatever, but does this way seem right? I don't want to add any steps like paper bagging them or garbage bagging for 2 days, just the hang dry and jars.


Well-Known Member
Also how do you know when to just leave the lids on? Do you just wait until there's no more condensation in the jars?


Well-Known Member
It sounds ok but I would ad a Boveda 62 humipack it will keep the buds fresh for a very, very long time. The humidity will stay at 62 it won't go up or down.

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
Also how do you know when to just leave the lids on? Do you just wait until there's no more condensation in the jars?
If you have condensation on your jars your buds will mold. There should never be any condensation.
It sounds ok but I would ad a Boveda 62 humipack it will keep the buds fresh for a very, very long time. The humidity will stay at 62 it won't go up or down.
I've used boveda packs and I would only use them for long term storage not for the curing process