Opinions please fast dying leaves (pics)


Well-Known Member
Having problems with one plant only. Week 4 of flowering, actually week 5, they started slow (I think cause they wanted hps. The leaves are curling under, drying and falling off very quickly (over 3 days lost about 8 fan leaves). The first 3 pics are leaves that have fallen the others are they way they look on the plant. I want opinions if this is salt build up or a P and K def???? I have flushed twice already with no difference.

Cheese x AK47
soil: organic promix and added some compost and bone meal.
400w MH
temps 23-28 C
RH is always on 50%
5 gal pots
ph of runoff is always between 6.3-6.8 (keep in check with fine dol lime
I feed with Biobizz bloom every watering.



bump for help. ive never seen some dead finger on the leaf but not all of them. hmmm i wish i could help u out here man. but im lookin for an answer


Active Member
I am actually having this same problem. Someone please help. I have also watered many times with pure water, and the leaves up top are still curling, although the lower leaves seem to be much healthier now.


I'm a new grower (to MJ) myself, but I'm growing a different plant species in my garden that appears to have the problem you are having exactly.

Are the worst parts turning the leaves almost papery thin? Do the worst leaves feel squishy and rotten, decayed? Looks like it from here. Given that it's confined to only a few leaves on one plant, the asymmetrical pattern of decay, the symptoms appearing randomly on the plant (not just the top or the bottom leaves or the tips or the centers) even the leaves going from blue-green to yellow-green - I'm going with a fungus/pest problem. Maybe Thrips. To be honest, I knew with mine it was either bugs or fungi - and the spray kills all kinds.

I'd take those unhealthy leaves off and spray her with neem, can't hurt - it's what I did to my other plants and it helped, but like I said, different plants.

The rest of the plant looks very healthy - I don't think you're in any serious danger of losing her if you nip off the worst off and treat her with some neem oil (maybe innoculate your other gals next to your sickly one with neem spray)

Good luck buddy (or buddies, as I see there are other fellows in this thread with possibly similar problems) I'm pulling for you guys (us newbs gotta stick together ;-). Give fungus, thrips, pests a quick search on this site, see if your problem dovetails with the whole pest/fungal rotting thing. Also, I read that nutrient deficient plants are more susceptible to these problems (if your problem is pests) and that can make dealing with it a trifle more delicate as you have a weakened plant with a parasite making it weaker. I can't imagine your plant's nutrient deficient - your other leaves are so green and healthy otherwise. And the dead giveaway to me seems to be what kaspa35 alluded to - the fact that the decay isn't symmetrical or all of something or another (like all the fingers dying back from the tips) - it's spotty, indicating your plant is being attacked/blemished in certain spots. I'll look around, check my books and if I find anything, I'll edit this post or add another. Again, best of luck to all.


Well-Known Member
I'm a new grower (to MJ) myself, but I'm growing a different plant species in my garden that appears to have the problem you are having exactly.

Are the worst parts turning the leaves almost papery thin? Do the worst leaves feel squishy and rotten, decayed? Looks like it from here. Given that it's confined to only a few leaves on one plant, the asymmetrical pattern of decay, the symptoms appearing randomly on the plant (not just the top or the bottom leaves or the tips or the centers) even the leaves going from blue-green to yellow-green - I'm going with a fungus/pest problem. Maybe Thrips. To be honest, I knew with mine it was either bugs or fungi - and the spray kills all kinds.

I'd take those unhealthy leaves off and spray her with neem, can't hurt - it's what I did to my other plants and it helped, but like I said, different plants.

The rest of the plant looks very healthy - I don't think you're in any serious danger of losing her if you nip off the worst off and treat her with some neem oil (maybe innoculate your other gals next to your sickly one with neem spray)

Good luck buddy (or buddies, as I see there are other fellows in this thread with possibly similar problems) I'm pulling for you guys (us newbs gotta stick together ;-). Give fungus, thrips, pests a quick search on this site, see if your problem dovetails with the whole pest/fungal rotting thing. Also, I read that nutrient deficient plants are more susceptible to these problems (if your problem is pests) and that can make dealing with it a trifle more delicate as you have a weakened plant with a parasite making it weaker. I can't imagine your plant's nutrient deficient - your other leaves are so green and healthy otherwise. And the dead giveaway to me seems to be what kaspa35 alluded to - the fact that the decay isn't symmetrical or all of something or another (like all the fingers dying back from the tips) - it's spotty, indicating your plant is being attacked/blemished in certain spots. I'll look around, check my books and if I find anything, I'll edit this post or add another. Again, best of luck to all.
Thx for your input much appreciated!! :joint:
I thought it might of been a fungus problem but fungus is usually moist and squishy like you say and anyway I try keep the soil moist but not saturated and humidity is still low to develop fungus no??? However mine curl under and turn to crisp (crumbles between fingers) that would tell me that it's either salt build up or deficient in either P or K OR P and K... Am I right? Or micro def? I think im going to give her a good neem spray and see anyway it won't hurt. I don't think I will lose her either but she IS falling a bit behind compared to the others.
ps not too much of a newb have grown mj indoors for quite some time and i love my veggy gardening just new to RIU :-D
Thanks again and good luck to the others as well.


Active Member
How's your ph levels...water and soil? Our tap water was way high above 8.5 and the initial ppm was around 375. It was all to much and locked up the uptake in the roots with mine. Just a thought.


Hey there, if you're still thinking along the lines of a P or K imbalance (maybe due to PH fluctuations, as another poster suggested, or possibly something else is causing either the lockout/overload) If it is a problem with P or K uptake, my money is heavily on either P toxicity or deficiency. I grabbed this off of the first sticky in this forum, I know you may have already seen it, but it repeats a lot of the symptoms you've described, it may shed some light:


Phosphorus is a component of certain enzymes and proteins, adenosine triphosphate (ATP), ribonucleic acids (RNA), deoxyribonucleic acids (DNA) and phytin. ATP is involved in various energy transfer reactions, and RNA and DNA are components of genetic information.
Phosphorus (P) deficiency
Figure 11 is severe phosphorus (P) deficiency during flowering. Fan leaves are dark green or red/purple, and may turn yellow. Leaves may curl under, go brown and die. Small-formed buds are another main symptom.
Phosphorus deficiencies exhibit slow growing, weak and stunted plants with dark green or purple pigmentation in older leaves and stems.
Some deficiency during flowering is normal, but too much shouldn't be tolerated. Red petioles and stems are a normal, genetic characteristic for many varieties, plus it can also be a co-symptom of N, K, and Mg-deficiencies, so red stems are not a foolproof sign of P-deficiency. Too much P can lead to iron deficiency.
Purpling: accumulation of anthocyanin pigments; causes an overall dark green color with a purple, red, or blue tint, and is the common sign of phosphate deficiency. Some plant species and varieties respond to phosphate deficiency by yellowing instead of purpling. Purpling is natural to some healthy ornamentals.

Figure 12 shows Phosphorus (P) deficiency during vegatative growth. Many people mistaken this for a fungus, but look for the damage to occur near the end of leave, and leaves the color dull greyish with a very brittle texture.

Phosphorus (P) Toxicity
This condition is rare and usually buffered by pH limitations. Excess phosphorus can interfere with the availability and stability of copper and zinc.

I hope this helps. But if you rule these out - my problem, which I've been unable to pin point exactly which bug it is and has moved in aless severe way to my little MJ seedlings(!!!), all I can say is be on the look out for red-brown raised dots (insect eggs) on the leaves you can just take these off with you hands. Look especially around the edges - on top but also on the bottom side of the leaves, I find that is also where the bulk of the damage is - I've yet to see actual adult or larval insects (mites? thrips? house-fly eggs? - seen quite a few of them alight on my MJ plants). And if anyone has any idea what bug is bugging me - I'd surely be obliged for your educated guesses, not to hijack the thread, but it seems we're all beleagured with various simillar maladies. I hope we can all at least figure out your problem by the end of the night. Again, hope the Phosphorous info helps to either rule it out or pinpoint the problem. Good Luck (to all of us).


Well-Known Member
the parts of the plant that are sick will probley not repair. but the new growth will be ok if you fixed the problem.


Well-Known Member
look real close in your soil- i have same problem very small bugs in the soil are eating your roots
I really doubt it, I always check for pests and I KNOW my grow is clean. Nice 1st post btw.

How's your ph levels...water and soil? Our tap water was way high above 8.5 and the initial ppm was around 375. It was all to much and locked up the uptake in the roots with mine. Just a thought.
Hey man, like I said runoff has never gone past 6.3-6.8. My tap water actually measures straight 7 :joint:.. I change if necessary after I add nutes...ppm is quite low at 290 or so, our water rocks!! so that means the soil itself might be a bit low no?? Thx

the parts of the plant that are sick will probley not repair. but the new growth will be ok if you fixed the problem.
No shit :lol: The problem is it's slowed down on the growin' so I can't tell if new growth is good or not..

Apollonia thx a lot your info... yes I have read up a lot here and on other good forums :) and moderate experience.. I kept telling myself it must be a Phos deficiency...defence mode kicking in and all, but how can that be with top quality bone meal (phos) in the soil and feeding biobizz bloom with IMO too much P actually????

Don't stress about the jacking thing... I will try give input... post your thread and put the link in your signature. Do you have a scope to check out how they look? Are they moving around or are you sure they're eggs? That's no good for seedlings they can get fucked in days/hours.. Im on the other side of the world so sorry for delays..
I doubt this could be bugs, I check my plants daily and I make sure my area is clean as possible, haven't seen em as yet. I've had bugs before (outdoors) and it can be a nightmare. I wish I knew what to do to save my girl, I keep saying P def but im feeding every watering.. Could be a lockout but how with the ph in check? Maybe she just don't wanna live..

Thx guys/gals!

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
look real close in your soil- i have same problem very small bugs in the soil are eating your roots
oh yah happens with all brand name soils ,they are lil white maggots that chew at your roots ,thus making leaves die and shock the hell out of the plant
they hatch into gnats , this problem can be fixed, take a non metal pot with soil microwave the soil for lik idk 10 mins?
then transplant flush the plant and the safe soil is added


Well-Known Member
oh yah happens with all brand name soils ,they are lil white maggots that chew at your roots ,thus making leaves die and shock the hell out of the plant
they hatch into gnats , this problem can be fixed, take a non metal pot with soil microwave the soil for lik idk 10 mins?
then transplant flush the plant and the safe soil is added
I will check the soil again but I don't think so, it's promix from a hydro store man.. I think I would know if they were gnats, plus it's only on one plant, if it were bugs wouldnt they of been on the other plants?? the rest are healthy. The soil I use is fully organic so the microwave will kill all the life in da soil :neutral:


Active Member
Hey man that withering of the leaves like that, like they start to turn brown and get all wrinkly and crispy happened to some of my older leaves towards the bottom of my plants and I believe it was overnuting then... but now it has come back in random spots on random leaves... makes me want to believe it was spreading or something. I will be watching this thread, sorry I can't help anymore than that... check your nute levels if that's not it I guess we will just have to see. Is that happening everywhere? If it's just a few leaves it's probably OK


Well-Known Member
you could add a clove or two of garlic to your soil. just peel the garlic and put it in the soil with a about 1/4" of the pointy end out of the soil. I've had zero bugs after doing this.


Hey there, just checking in - how're your plants doing?

Just thought I'd mention, I'm a newb on RIU too - and a bigger newb to MJ cultivation (and RIU) I'm in third week of veg on my first MJ grow :)

Just wanted to agree with you on some points - it looks like your humidity, the cleanliness of your room and your careful inspection of your plants wouldn't be the likeliest environment for molds, fungus or pests...

Here's a succinct link to problems & diseases. I know you probably read something similar to this but it is a pretty good starting point. Anyone of these sound like they could possibly apply to your problem.

Brown/Purple Spots and/or Dark Green Leaves on Stunted Plant

This is generally a sign of phosphorus deficiency. You may need to add more phosphorus to your water or you might have a PH imbalance.

Brown/Tan/Pale Spots Throughout Leaves

You may have a phosphorus deficiency or you may have contracted a pest. Refer to the section on pests for more information on detecting and removing a pest infestation.

Yellowing Between Leaf Veins

This is likely a potassium deficiency. Add to your water or correct a PH balance. Potassium can also be locked out by salt buildup so if your PH is correct you may try a flush before adjusting nutrients.

Older Leaves Yellow From the Center Outward, Leaf tips brown progressing inward, pale new growth

Look to trace element deficiency for these problems. Magnesium and Calcium are likely culprits. You can add a bit of dolomite lime to your water (1 tsp/gallon) or add a supplement such as cal-mag, or cal-max, or similar. As always with nute deficiency your problem may actually be a PH imbalance.
Also found this little salient factoid from here:

1) N, P, K, Mg and S are considered mobile: they can move up and down the plant in both xylem and phloem.
Deficiency appears on old leaves first.

2) Ca, Fe, Zn, Mo, B, Cu, Mn are considered immobile: they only move up the plant in the xylem.
Deficiency appears on new leaves first.
How long has this all been going on? How long since your first & last flushing? Maybe if we retrace your steps we could shake something out...

I know Nitrogen flushes out the fastest. Perhaps you have a small P (or K) overload and it's just taking a little more time to leach out? Your leaves look nice & green to my eyes - I wonder if that indicates that perhaps this is an indication that your plant has just reached the point of having a bit too many nutrient salts and consequently P (and possibly other nutrients) are getting locked out? honestly, given all the information you've provided - that is the hypothesis I feel most confident in.
As to a micro nutrient deficiency, I have really soft water, PPM of 90. I'm watchful of my Mag-Cal levels and am watching to see if I may have to jump in with an additive just in case I don't have enough... Just thought I'd throw that out there. Diagnosing is doubly hard by the fact that deficiencies and overloads often look the same (and, just for fun, they sometimes look like pest infections too - bonus round!)

Another slightly more informative blurb on Phosphorous def/toxicity & how that can effect other nutrients.

Deficiency Symptoms

[FONT=&quot]Slow growing, weak and stunted plants that may be dark green with older leaves showing a purple pigmentation. Since P is fairly mobile within the plant, deficiency symptoms initially occur in older tissue.[/FONT] Deficiency Effects

[FONT=&quot]Will seriously harm various processes associated with energy storage and transfer. It will effect root growth and bud development. Poor seed development and poor fruit quality and size may result. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]The deficiency symptoms can mask other nutrient deficiencies such as nitrogen and potassium.[/FONT]
Symptoms of Excess

[FONT=&quot]Excess phosphorus is manifested by micronutrient deficiency, with iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn) first affected. Excess P can induce potassium (K) deficiency.[/FONT]
This seems to apply: your plant growth as become stunted - fallen behind the others, was a week behind in flowering, the other leaves look almost blue-green to my eye, well fed. Your PH is fine for P absorption (looks like your PH is absolutely perfect for soil). You are feeding with every watering (could cause build-up?) - even though BioBizz Bloom is slightly (very slightly) lower in P than other nutrient concentrations - I don't think this is possible to be enough to cause a deficiency this severe. The crumbling leaves, the older leaves going first, the stunted growth and all the rest mentioned - I'm with you, I think it's indicating a P deficiency (possibly a micro deficiency instead of or in addition to) which seems it can only be due to a salt build up as your PH is fine. It could be salt lock-out as you are feeding with every water - how long since the last & first flush again? How long do results from a flushing take to manifest? I would assume immediately and it's just a question of using enough pure water to do the job. This seems the likeliest unless it is a micronutrient deficiency which is likely also caused by build up as I read the BioBizz Bloom package and it specifically lists many micronutrients in it's formula. My best guesses. I'm starting to become nearly as curious as you are about the cause of your troubles. Still, it bugs me - why just this one plant?!?! So frustrating. :wall:

As I said before, perhaps it's a general salt build up locking out the P or the Mg, Ca, etc - & needs a good flushing to work it's magic. Maybe the bone meal AND the P in the BioBizz are too much for this specific plant. For soil I've always heard to use 3 times the volume of the soil in the amount of plain water used. To be followed by a reintroduction of the nutrient solution to correct the deficiency. I have heard you're not "supposed to" feed soil with every water - but it's clearly working for the majority of your plants and this isn't your first grow. Maybe this one is a little weak, a little more sensitive. (I feel a tad silly/sheepish writing these things to you, a much more experienced grower who very likely knows this and other things I've mentioned, but perhaps they will help a newb or shake something loose in your mind - troubleshooting is often backtracking & going back to basics, right?)

I just hope you don't have some complicated, chain reaction problem like the PH level is loading the soil with insoluable P, which is interfering with Mg or Fe uptake or some such) That's got to be on the top of my worst plant nightmares.

Please, let us know if you figure it out - we're pulling for you man. For real. I hope you will keep us updated and let us know what ultimately happens, whether the issue is resolved or not.

OFF TOPIC: I've figured out my problem: Thrips! :evil: Miserable, wretched, evil thrips... :cuss:Who knew a little bug could cause such an intense mixture feelings from vengeance and righteous anger to indignation and loathing in someone who considers herself a pretty well adjusted person, all over a bug... I guess I'm just really into this hobby. After much research (up all night, of course) I'm using permethrin spray & sterilizing/cleaning the room to take care of it as the infestation and damage are too far along to wait for beneficial predators to suppress it. Given the emotions I apparently have tied to my plants - the surprising amount of affection I bear them including the regret when one dies/get sick - it looks like Reefer Madness was right: MJ has clearly made me insane. Warn the public! :D But it's a real fun, satisfying obsession if you have to have one - fun fact that compounds the weirdness of my devotion to my plants: I don't even smoke, ever! Just can't anymore. But my fella does. And I do so love the smell, the care and the alien beauty of the plants...:weed:


Well-Known Member
Check the run off after watering, you might be surprised. I used to think if i watered with ph`d water my soil was ph`d correct. But once that water hits that soil all kinds of reations happen and take that ph way up or way down. If you dont know whats happen in the run off you can have all kinds of problems. It took me a while to figure it out. Adding a little dolemite can help stabilize your medium. Good luck


Well-Known Member
Hey Ap. Thx for the post!! Long read but worth it :) It sounds like your love for this crazy hobby will get you very far mate.. keep it up! Thx for all the input btw...
The lady is doing ok, still producing slowly though... lost most of her fan leaves so it's understandable.. Im just gonna watch if she doesn't maybe turn hermie from all the stress. This is the first time im growing this strain, it's cross breed from a friend and I've seen what awesome bud it is!! I know im doing things right cause of the other plants are so fat and healthy! Im just gonna give her straight water till the end cause my money is on salt buildup and toxicity... OR that she's just a retard :lol: SORRY to hear about your pest troubles!! I've never had thrips before but of what i've heard they are a nasty bunch too! Im much more familiar with mites :)
Neem oil works well for most pests and isn't too harsh on the plants provided you spray to rinse off the neem with fresh water. I thought you said you had seedlings so at 3 weeks they should be out of the seedling stage no? Either way if you can't get rid of them they sure will screw up your grow.. Are you growing outdoors or indoors? I REALLY hope you aren't spraying the plants with permethrin??? Yeah preditor insects can also sort you infestation it's real good way to do it without hurting with chems.
A person can drive yourself mad with this hobby, just keep it as simple as possible for yourself in the beginning (kinda hard starting with thrips) but yeah.
You can pm me any time for help or advice if you need it and I will try help.
Best of luck to you.