Opinions Please Harvest Imminent


Greeting fellow growers, This will be my first post here. My apologies for not coming and sharing with you all sooner, but life tends to get in the way sometimes as everyone no doubt understands.

Anyways, here is the dilemma. Currently in day 76 of flowering (Yes, 12-12 photo period not including vegetative growth), and I will not be able to secure a loupe or magnifier for checking the trichs this time around. I guess it's up to a keen eye, and some good old fashioned experience, to know when these girls will be ready to give themselves up. This is why I come to you all, despite the knowledge and opinions of one man, I have always believed more heads are better in terms of opinions.

So, let's have a pick at everyone's brain here, and get these girls out on time. The longest they will have the privilege of staying around will be valentines day, which is day 80. I was thinking of turning the lights off last night, but I had a change of heart and decided to get some opinions first.

Sorry if the pictures are a bit off for color, or if they are not clear enough for you.
The HPS light is on, and I unfortunately don't have the ability to remove these plants from their chamber, until harvest time - so they will have to remain where they are.

If you are in need of some more pictures, please just drop a reply and let me know what specifically it is you're looking for and I will try my best to indulge you. The light is only on for another four hours here, so any replies in that time would be greatly appreciated. As I said before I have no problem letting them go right to day 80, but I would prefer to take them if they are truly ready, without losing to many trichs to the amber gods. (Yes, it's hard to tell without looking at them I am fully aware of that, it's not my first time around the block... thus why I am here asking for opinions).

So, what does everyone think?



They've been flushed as they should have been for the past 12 days, not a full two weeks but they've been flushed well. Thanks for the input, I am thinking the same thing.. tonight is most likely the night, but I wanted to hear it from a few people first.

Ketchup Kid

I'm new to growing but from what I've read and seen around these forums and in books that I have, they look as if they are extremely close to time if they aren't already ready.


Well-Known Member
imo they are ready. see how the seed pods are swollen, at least in the 1 pic? also, hairs are very much receded into the bud. good job. now for a proper cure, enjoy!