Opinions Please, possible mold issue


For awhile now i have had a plant that exhibits some signs of a mg defficiency.
I had to let her go in fear of this problem spreading,
but if this shows up again i need to know how to control.
I recently had a small prblem with russet mites which has long since been resolved.
the plant was showing signs of problems that would come par with russet mites,
most showing up with discoloration of youngest leaves and nute deficiencies that
were NOT caused by undernutrification.
Here are a few pics please give me some insight if you have any!!

more info available on schedual/treatments/products used/ etc....:mrgreen:Picture 025.jpg


Well-Known Member
Bro what the fuck is russet mites? You have spidermites and theyre not messing around.


definitely not spider mites, this has to be another type of pest or mold.
I could see it originating from a bag of opened soil tho.
also take into account that this pic is zoomed 120x
thanks for replies i will try sulfur and a new mold/pest treatment
currently using azamax+bonide+greencure+seranade