Opinions please


Well-Known Member
Well it's week 2. ANd 2/30 of my babies are turning yellowish with small traces of purple ino it. the leaves are crusty to touch, and a re drooping. I water every 3 days with tap water that sits for a couple days. My ph in all 30 varies from 6.3 to 6.9. Both of the drooping yellowish plants came from under a 400W MH light. I removed them from under the MH and put them under 4 foot flouros to relieve whatever stress its going through. What do you guys think?



Well-Known Member
In my opinion that is moisture stress. Are all 30 plants the same strain? Some strains have different demands than others so instead of watering them all every 3 days you might want to use the weight of the cup to determine when the plant needs watering. Especially with the plants looking sickly, but really with all of them, only water when the cup starts to feel light. If you've got extra substrate lying around, you could fill a cup with completely dry substrate and use it as a reference for how much a cup weighs when it REALLY needs water.


Well-Known Member
looks like they are drowning to me is there small hole or two in the cup? you have good soil there in the cups so a few ounces of water every three days adds up and now ya might have a half of a cup of water or something. but its just my opinion


Well-Known Member
No, one is Blackjack, and the other is Venus fly trap. But thanks for your help, should I just let them dry out and rewater when its completely dry?


Active Member
i have a question i have 4 sour diesel and was wondering why one smells nice but the others dont does that mean only one is female


Well-Known Member
not at all. you can;t determine sex until you start the flowering cycle. You may have to transplant the 3 bad smelling ones as that could be a huge red flag that there is unpleasant growth in your soil. check for root rot, and consider replanting.


Well-Known Member
No, one is Blackjack, and the other is Venus fly trap. But thanks for your help, should I just let them dry out and rewater when its completely dry?
The more often your plants go from dry to wet to dry again etc. the faster they will grow. heathaa makes a good point too, if you haven't put holes in the bottom of those cups, they'd be drowning, but the soil doesn't look that wet to me. I would put them back under the 400w MH, the greater light intensity will help evaporate some of the moisture. Don't let them get completely dry, but you'll be able to tell when they're really thirsty, because they'll look kinda like they do now, a bit wilted, escept the soil will be dry, of course.

As to the other poster's question about plants that smell, that has more to do with how healthy a plant is not its gender. Also phenotype plays a role, that particular plant could just be particularly robust or potent when it starts budding.


Well-Known Member
The more often your plants go from dry to wet to dry again etc. the faster they will grow. heathaa makes a good point too, if you haven't put holes in the bottom of those cups, they'd be drowning, but the soil doesn't look that wet to me. I would put them back under the 400w MH, the greater light intensity will help evaporate some of the moisture. Don't let them get completely dry, but you'll be able to tell when they're really thirsty, because they'll look kinda like they do now, a bit wilted, escept the soil will be dry, of course.

As to the other poster's question about plants that smell, that has more to do with how healthy a plant is not its gender. Also phenotype plays a role, that particular plant could just be particularly robust or potent when it starts budding.
I cut 4 slits in each 16oz cup for proper air flow and drainage. They;re sleeping for the next 5 hours so I'll keep ythe thread alive then with an update. thanks for all your help.

as to your stinky soil, I would replant with fresh soil and see if it changes anything.