Opioid epidemic is caused by big business take over of the Gov.


Well-Known Member
I've watched a few people lose their life to legal pills, heroin, cocaine overdoses.

if we clamp down on big pharma's indiscriminate narco supply profits will go down.
But what will happen to someone with 401/IRA/Fidelity Investments/Vanguard, the ones that pay the best, because of private prisons housing ill addicts
and the selling the drugs they're supplied..... retirement funds will plummet, give up that boat and cottage, sorry about your 20 years on the line...and no more dividends paid on that annuity, sorry....? what will the retirees do? the ones that grow and use mj and hate big pharma and are not addicts and believe they are against prohibition and against private prisons? who will admit to current policy gross profits, while at the same time hating on the corps that pay out? its an issue fighting an enemy that feeds you I bet

GOLD OIL DRUGS, always been, always will be
You forgot FOOD.

At the present rate in about 50 years we will be grateful to be building giant Pyramid shaped Energy Storing Grain Silos and all will be good. History says so.


Well-Known Member
You forgot FOOD.

At the present rate in about 50 years we will be grateful to be building giant Pyramid shaped Energy Storing Grain Silos and all will be good. History says so.
I thought I covered it? "its an issue fighting an enemy that feeds you I bet":peace:


Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Is this not calling for prohibition?

I say let people do what they want. You want a pill, then walk into a pharmacy and buy a pill.

People get drunk and get behind the wheel and kill themselves and others all the time. We don't outlaw booze. Why? We tried it and doesn't work.

What we really need is more treatment options and funding for people that need and want it.

Lets take suboxone for example. Its almost impossible to od on because it has a ceiling. Its a partial agonist.

It cost an arm and a leg for people to get suboxone. Hell the makers of it went from pill form to films. Why? The patent was up on the pill form and generics were cutting into Reckitt Benkiser's profits. They even petitioned the fda. To ban the generic pill form in the guise that children were getting a hold of the pills. They said that their individual wrapped films were the only safe option.

I would be perfectly fine for people to be able to go buy a suboxone or what ever they want at a cheap price than to steal from me to pay outrageous street prices.


Some places actually give heroin to heroin addicts. Why? Its cheaper to spend a few grand a year to give them heroin than to incarcerate them. It eases the burden on society by stopping the need for addicts to steal and then jail them after they steal.

Its a complicated issue but prohibition doesn't work.
No WW.....I would like to see better control.....actual monitoring by real doctors, not PA's! I want actual programs for those on extended use to be available, mandatory for them to take, to wean off and stay off.....Lets find real solutions to replace these addictive (and I believe this the big pharma's way to make a drug that is a self replicating profit monster for taking people from legal use to illegal use by addiction. They make more then the legal market needs! WHY? Same fucking idea as street dealers..eh? "get em hooked and keep the money coming!) pain meds with things that work with far less side effects and addictive properties....

It's a scam that's costing us son's and daughters, Mom's and dad's.....Doesn't fucking matter what "class" your in, color you are - none of that....These drug companies are making bundles of cash by destroying lives that many of them "saved" to start with..Then it spreads to those they didn't. Those who invest in these companies are making money by the blood of others! They know DAMN WELL how and why addiction works and they "play" off it!


Well-Known Member
Who doesnt know someone using legal/illegal drugs and fuckin up with their use? Do we want our loved ones to be imprisoned in the name of the War on Drugs? We're then forced to pay for this program that seeks out our loved ones, children, parents even, and jail them in. if it wasnt for this profit the prisons make I wonder if the forced support of this program would be supported like it is now?

they have us paying cash tax with our sincere public support- the very program that we all hate. voting for people we know are bad players. We pay leo to teach our children to recognize drugs and their bad users, starting with their own homes, we pay for
govern-ment(al) and teachers to brainwash our kids into reporting their witnessed drug use at home !
Good becomes bad, right becomes wrong, goshdammit seems I've read these ideals in a book.


Well-Known Member
No WW.....I would like to see better control.....actual monitoring by real doctors, not PA's! I want actual programs for those on extended use to be available, mandatory for them to take, to wean off and stay off.....Lets find real solutions to replace these addictive (and I believe this the big pharma's way to make a drug that is a self replicating profit monster for taking people from legal use to illegal use by addiction. They make more then the legal market needs! WHY? Same fucking idea as street dealers..eh? "get em hooked and keep the money coming!) pain meds with things that work with far less side effects and addictive properties....

It's a scam that's costing us son's and daughters, Mom's and dad's.....Doesn't fucking matter what "class" your in, color you are - none of that....These drug companies are making bundles of cash by destroying lives that many of them "saved" to start with..Then it spreads to those they didn't. Those who invest in companies are making money by the blood of others! They know DAMN WELL how and why addiction works and they "play" off it!
The poppy has been used about as long as cannabis for medicine. It has its place.

I get it. People have a problem with pills but you understand all this cracking down is what drove people to heroin and buying them on the street.

You can't stop it.

Let the ones that want it buy it cheaply without having to steal and provide help to the ones that want it.

I know that big pharma is part of why cannabis is illegal but only a part. Its paper, chemical and oil companies also.

What are you going to do about those? I don't see you or anyone else on here going after Georgia Pacific and making them buy hemp for paper pulp.


Well-Known Member
In the 60's & 70's it was sleeping pills and speed pills....Placidyl, Reds, rainbows, Quaaludes - etc, etc, etc.
We were schooled all over about how bad heroin is and "Do you want to be a junkie and have you life controlled by a drug?" Where did that go?

The feds stepped in and forced the drug companies to discontinue manufacture of most of these. It includes easy access forms of pain meds and diet drugs....

Now we have this epidemic of opioids and they do what? No more then run around in circles and point fingers. Uneducated and purposeful statements on Cannabis being the cause to deflect from the real problem....Has become almost a daily happening....

When we invaded Afghanistan. We removed the Taliban from power. Bad folks for sure. They did not allow growing poppies though. It's against the idea that you do no harm to others....We walk in and had no plan to replace the way people made a living....The no poppies rule was gone and the people went back to do what they knew how to make money. We squashed everything else for the rural folk.

Now we have a world wide heroin epidemic. New junkies fueled by starting on Opioid pain meds that were prescribed or obtained illegal, with no real control or clear way to wean off those that needed it....

Drug companies still making billions off of sales, many of those illegal!

All the bluster and hot air and nothing really gets done! They sure can't offend the big pharma as they send the politico's big money in donations.....

It's just another sign that the Government is owned and operated by big money! They don't really care! it's just something to keep us all afraid.....It's not going to change.....

It's time to throw out the politicians and start over! Change all those rules about corporate donations and lobbying. No more "super pac's".....It's time we made the politicians work for US and not for big business and the party!

Stand up to big pharma and say,,,That's enough! We are going to regulate where those drugs go. Who buys them in bulk and tighten the prescription laws and provide for those who may need to be carefully withdrawn from their use.....You had all better start looking to find new and less addictive methods for pain control...We're going to limit manufacture and slowly phase these things out.....

Do I sound pissed? A friends son, just died from a car accident under the influence of unprescribed Oxy use.
This was a good kid. Always helping, Happy, friendly, outgoing.....Never had a legal problem.....The cops better find the source before we do!

What a fucking waste of life!

In the 60's and 70's....The government had the BALLS to step up and do something about it!

Now it's "screw the "people"! "We might piss off that big money source of campaign funds.."

And some of you idiots, elected an egotistical oligarch for Pres. If you really think he's going to help you...You're fucking deluded!
Dude..did you just wake from a long slumber?..what are you smoking? I need to grow this.


Well-Known Member
In the 60's & 70's it was sleeping pills and speed pills....Placidyl, Reds, rainbows, Quaaludes - etc, etc, etc.
We were schooled all over about how bad heroin is and "Do you want to be a junkie and have you life controlled by a drug?" Where did that go?

The feds stepped in and forced the drug companies to discontinue manufacture of most of these. It includes easy access forms of pain meds and diet drugs....

Now we have this epidemic of opioids and they do what? No more then run around in circles and point fingers. Uneducated and purposeful statements on Cannabis being the cause to deflect from the real problem....Has become almost a daily happening....

When we invaded Afghanistan. We removed the Taliban from power. Bad folks for sure. They did not allow growing poppies though. It's against the idea that you do no harm to others....We walk in and had no plan to replace the way people made a living....The no poppies rule was gone and the people went back to do what they knew how to make money. We squashed everything else for the rural folk.

Now we have a world wide heroin epidemic. New junkies fueled by starting on Opioid pain meds that were prescribed or obtained illegal, with no real control or clear way to wean off those that needed it....

Drug companies still making billions off of sales, many of those illegal!

All the bluster and hot air and nothing really gets done! They sure can't offend the big pharma as they send the politico's big money in donations.....

It's just another sign that the Government is owned and operated by big money! They don't really care! it's just something to keep us all afraid.....It's not going to change.....

It's time to throw out the politicians and start over! Change all those rules about corporate donations and lobbying. No more "super pac's".....It's time we made the politicians work for US and not for big business and the party!

Stand up to big pharma and say,,,That's enough! We are going to regulate where those drugs go. Who buys them in bulk and tighten the prescription laws and provide for those who may need to be carefully withdrawn from their use.....You had all better start looking to find new and less addictive methods for pain control...We're going to limit manufacture and slowly phase these things out.....

Do I sound pissed? A friends son, just died from a car accident under the influence of unprescribed Oxy use.
This was a good kid. Always helping, Happy, friendly, outgoing.....Never had a legal problem.....The cops better find the source before we do!

What a fucking waste of life!

In the 60's and 70's....The government had the BALLS to step up and do something about it!

Now it's "screw the "people"! "We might piss off that big money source of campaign funds.."

And some of you idiots, elected an egotistical oligarch for Pres. If you really think he's going to help you...You're fucking deluded!
First, you don't know that kids car accident was from the unprescribed he used. We would need to see autopsy report to conclude this.

Second, the opioid salts used to produce Percocet etc ARE in demand and short supply ALWAYS as it is strictly regulated by the Feds.

Third, most states now including the Florida pill mill are uber regulated when you get a script from doctor you are crossed referenced in their DB now they put into use a few years ago. This is to cut doc shopping and out of staters.

Fourth, nothing and I mean nothing can stop a kid from going into their parents..their friends parents or make a score downtown.


Well-Known Member
The poppy has been used about as long as cannabis for medicine. It has its place.

I get it. People have a problem with pills but you understand all this cracking down is what drove people to heroin and buying them on the street.

You can't stop it.

Let the ones that want it buy it cheaply without having to steal and provide help to the ones that want it.

I know that big pharma is part of why cannabis is illegal but only a part. Its paper, chemical and oil companies also.

What are you going to do about those? I don't see you or anyone else on here going after Georgia Pacific and making them buy hemp for paper pulp.
It gets stopped daily, one person at a time once they stumble into a safe environment.


Well-Known Member
It won't make things worse.

Everything you just said could be applied to anything from booze to pot.
That's why I said I don't fully disagree with you . IMO,,making it easier to access would result in more people being addicted ...I could see your point somewhat with the alchohol thing,,,however opiates and alchohol are two way different beasts ((as I'm sure your aware of))

Feel great no hang over and take a nap while driving ...lol

Just my opinion WB......Two things you can guarentee with everyone ,,an asshole and opinion ...peace


Well-Known Member
That's why I said I don't fully disagree with you . IMO,,making it easier to access would result in more people being addicted ...I could see your point somewhat with the alchohol thing,,,however opiates and alchohol are two way different beasts ((as I'm sure your aware of))

Feel great no hang over and take a nap while driving ...lol

Just my opinion WB......Two things you can guarentee with everyone ,,an asshole and opinion ...peace
I just don't think cracking down on something makes the situation better. If anything it makes it worse.


Well-Known Member
Private Prisons owned all by Zionist Jews... they love locking up people and having Jewish Judges and DA throw them away for years so they can bill our Federal Government and milk them for Billions ...

Make America great again by outlawing all Dual Citizens of Israel of being allowed to work in the United States Government in any way...serious fuck those dual spies..

The Zionist Pharma Cartel Destroyed White America via prescription pads

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
First, you don't know that kids car accident was from the unprescribed he used. We would need to see autopsy report to conclude this.

Second, the opioid salts used to produce Percocet etc ARE in demand and short supply ALWAYS as it is strictly regulated by the Feds.

Third, most states now including the Florida pill mill are uber regulated when you get a script from doctor you are crossed referenced in their DB now they put into use a few years ago. This is to cut doc shopping and out of staters.

Fourth, nothing and I mean nothing can stop a kid from going into their parents..their friends parents or make a score downtown.
Where do you think the info about his crash and body tox came from?

You can still get them street wise..The heroin wave is riding the lowering availability of the pills.....lower cost and easy to find.

It's still a problem. Um, do you have a big pharma job? You seem to be doing some slight of hand here.


Well-Known Member
Private Prisons owned all by Zionist Jews... they love locking up people and having Jewish Judges and DA throw them away for years so they can bill our Federal Government and milk them for Billions ...

Make America great again by outlawing all Dual Citizens of Israel of being allowed to work in the United States Government in any way...serious fuck those dual spies..

The Zionist Pharma Cartel Destroyed White America via prescription pads
:wall: I fail to see the link, The best Corporate funding/support/lobbing across all Industries comes from Beijing not Israel not the US.

Spies really?, when words or lack of them are more telling?
Only two of the twenty corporations — Chevron and Walmart — responded with an explanation of their company’s view of patriotism, but declined to respond directly to the question. Some of the companies that chose not to respond are: Apple, GE, GM, Verizon, J.P. Morgan Chase and Co., AT&T, Ford, ExxonMobil, Bank of America and others.http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ralph-nader/corporate-patriotism_b_3542125.html
We've had Exxon in office way too long.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Private Prisons owned all by Zionist Jews... they love locking up people and having Jewish Judges and DA throw them away for years so they can bill our Federal Government and milk them for Billions ...

Make America great again by outlawing all Dual Citizens of Israel of being allowed to work in the United States Government in any way...serious fuck those dual spies..

The Zionist Pharma Cartel Destroyed White America via prescription pads
Wow, just...



Well-Known Member
Private Prisons owned all by Zionist Jews... they love locking up people and having Jewish Judges and DA throw them away for years so they can bill our Federal Government and milk them for Billions ...

Make America great again by outlawing all Dual Citizens of Israel of being allowed to work in the United States Government in any way...serious fuck those dual spies..

The Zionist Pharma Cartel Destroyed White America via prescription pads

but wait, if what you say is true, its those very white people that fully support both private prisons and big pharm with their extensive use of their products right?
The Vanguard Group and Fidelity Investments are America's top two 401(k) providers. They are also two of the private prison industry's biggest investors.

Together, they own about 20 percent of both CCA and GEO. if you have a 401(k) plan, there's a good chance you benefit financially from private prisons. And even if you don't, there are many more mutual funds, brokerage firms, and banks that invest in private prisons , so if you have money somewhere other than your wallet or your mattress, it's a good bet you're involved in some way with companies that are locking up and probably abusing inmates.

Take Rx? investing in them too ? who's to blame? slaves producing whips to sell for profit to their masters? wtf


Well-Known Member
Zionist Jews own White America... They look like you ... but they Worship a Satanic Talmud Cult... They own TV and all forms of MEDIA... they form your opinion by exposing you to images and sounds that sway your mind/feelings..

You know JEWS are highly intelligent ... They understand Psychology better than anyone.. Sigmund Freud gave Mossad the tools of using Sex to destroy targeted Enemies aka General David Howell Petraeus


Well-Known Member
Zionist Jews own White America... They look like you ... but they Worship a Satanic Talmud Cult... They own TV and all forms of MEDIA... they form your opinion by exposing you to images and sounds that sway your mind/feelings..

You know JEWS are highly intelligent ... They understand Psychology better than anyone.. Sigmund Freud gave Mossad the tools of using Sex to destroy targeted Enemies aka General David Howell Petraeus
Does your ACA not cover some kind of medication to make you more lucid?