Opium poppy

o the good old poppy used to be my drug in the form of pills fucked me up. shit is soooo bad opium is not but all the other thinks you can make with it are like heroin bad bad bad but i was thinking of growing them you have to cut the pod before it flowers and all the gunk the cums out of it is the good stuff only the opium poppie will give you what you need through and good on bagals
yup you can make heroine, codeine, and morphine, oxycoden, and lots of other drugs.. well basicaly, all opiots
BAD BAD pharmacuticle companies!
Its probably also because drugs are bad, and doing drugs makes you bad, so dont be bad by doing drugs
i was addicted for a long long time never stuck a needle in my arm but like i said bad shit im on pills to help me not take opiods anymore thats way i just smoke weed Dont fuck with dope please if you care about anything in your life.
It's only bad if you abuse it. I've never tried opium b4 but once I start growing it I'm going to have the same rule I have with coke. Once a month only. If I feel myself start craving for it or wanting to do it more than once a month, I'll just toss the plants. It's not bad if you don't allow yourself to get addicted.
I think people saying that marijuana cant be harmful because its natural is a week argument... last I checked lots of natural things can kill... really fast...
dont know of any plants that kill, but plenty that hurt you, and get you sick...
lots of animals with natural poisons that kill and are natural! :)
my mother grows them all the time.. it's not illegal. extracting is illegal.

It's illegal, but most police officers wont bust an old lady for it(no offense). If they seen poppies out front and thought you grew cannabis inside, well, I do not think it will be hard for them to get a warrent.

The whole plant is illegal ,from the leaves to the roots, except for the seeds! It is a Federal law.
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pop 005.jpg i harvested lots of poppey heads last year, i do the odd bit of landscaping and grow all my own flowers from seed. these popeyd.dead. were collected for seeds. is it the opiom poppey . and is it so easy. to do.
I think people saying that marijuana cant be harmful because its natural is a week argument... last I checked lots of natural things can kill... really fast...
dont know of any plants that kill, but plenty that hurt you, and get you sick...
lots of animals with natural poisons that kill and are natural! :)

A lady it the States died from water intoxication. Who ever could drink the most water wins a Nintendo Wii. She drank the most water, but lost by defalt. So my argument is simply, more people have died from drinking water, lol!
so i grow like in the pic. slit it. pref before the seeds start to form?
then slit the pod and collect the sticky stuff that comes out, then what collect into a resin ? then smoke?. or is it harder than that.
i guess you can die from anything. marijuana might not kill you directly but side affects such as cancer or any other can
were all going to die one way or another one day, so whats the worry.
you can live the healthy live poss, then get shot or run over.