Opium poppy

is it true that cannabis is 5 times stronger than cigs?. or is it all bull.

You mean in term of carcinogens? Carbon monoxide? What?

The answer to most of those questions is no. It is indeed bullshit and propaganda. Yes, you're inhaling smoke, along with chlorphyl (unless it's extremely well-cured) which isn't necessarily good for you.

Tobacco, especially with all of the additives they add to cigarettes, are almost pure poison. Even the most avid but knowledgable smoker will acknowledge this. Smoking a joint is much less harmful for you. Au naturale.

And with the advent of vapourizers... well, if you can afford a good one, you should do it. Though sometimes nothing beats choking on a bong hit or a blunt.

in england the opium poppy is legal, but opium is illegal....if u use opium it cannot be detected in drug tests, unless it is an opium drug test but even then it is not acurate as you can eat a poppy seed and it will come up in the drug test as opium, therefor it is very very rare they test you for opium, they have to have signs or another form of evidence that you are using it, and if they do make you do an opium drug test say you ate a poppy seed bun :D
Weed makes for deeper inhales, so cardiovascular wise, it CAN be worse. Definitely cigarettes take the gold for the least healthy overall, no doubt.
i find this very shitty. I jus got some of these poppy seeds the other day at work, i've got three sproutlings right now as a matter of fact (complete lie). Thats kinda like entrapment, cuz at my store we sell like three different "strains" of it, california poppy, asian poppy, and one other, but there are no signs or discalimers. Fuck it, im gonna march on, i could never bring myself to kill a living a thing, now, on to that double whopper plus bacon.
i find this very shitty. I jus got some of these poppy seeds the other day at work, i've got three sproutlings right now as a matter of fact (complete lie). Thats kinda like entrapment, cuz at my store we sell like three different "strains" of it, california poppy, asian poppy, and one other, but there are no signs or discalimers. Fuck it, im gonna march on, i could never bring myself to kill a living a thing, now, on to that double whopper plus bacon.

The 2 poppies you mentiond are legal in the US, it is only Papaver somniferum(I think) that is illegal.
i find this very shitty. I jus got some of these poppy seeds the other day at work, i've got three sproutlings right now as a matter of fact (complete lie). Thats kinda like entrapment, cuz at my store we sell like three different "strains" of it, california poppy, asian poppy, and one other, but there are no signs or discalimers. Fuck it, im gonna march on, i could never bring myself to kill a living a thing, now, on to that double whopper plus bacon.

but... how do you harvest your ganja if you wont kill it while its living?:confused:
back to poppeys.
will the opium poppey grow in england. and if so what var. of poppey do i need. is there a certain type like they grow in pakistan
back to poppeys.
will the opium poppey grow in england. and if so what var. of poppey do i need. is there a certain type like they grow in pakistan

Papaver Somniferum. Poppy seeds often come from this type, surprisingly. Go to an organic foodstore and pick some up if you can, so you know that they're untreated. Much higher success rate. Just be sure you pick up the right ones.

And yes, it will grow in Britain, just not when the weather is particularly bad. Poppies don't care much for the cold.

can u grow poppies indoors in the same space as your marijuana plants?? and is really that easy to get opium poppy seeds?? that are ready to grow??so you are saying opium poppies can grow wild in canada/usa??
you know like say 2 gramm of weed lasts a nite. how many poppies would you need to grow, to say last you a nite.?. silly question, but is it really worth the effort. i will be growing outside in the gardens next year, i always do. how mant poppies would you have to grow to make a gram or poppey resin?. the stuff that oozes out.
can u grow poppies indoors in the same space as your marijuana plants?? and is really that easy to get opium poppy seeds?? that are ready to grow??so you are saying opium poppies can grow wild in canada/usa??
if i was you id start some outdoors at the start of the season, plant loads there really cheap and really east to grow, i planted some about 3 years ago, and they come back, either by self seeding or they are just annuals,like what come back each year. i also have cal. poppies, i still have some flowering now, in december, and poppies, not opium, they have died off. all sorts of stuff are growing at funny times, the weathers well fucked up here inthe last 2 years over here.
antway mate plant loads and just see what happens, dont think you can come a opium dealer/lol. just grow some and see, i am.